Your Home Is A Powerful Place

“Homes are tremendously powerful places, because they are where people come from. There is no more important thing that you could be doing. You do not go home to hide from the world, you go home to change it.”      ~Rachel Jankovic, Homemade People

I hope you all have a very blessed Christmas!  Take time just to enjoy the moments and special times with family and friends.  Time spent together is so precious, and a true gift to be thankful for.  It is such a blessing to have a home and be part of a family.  And it’s a blessing we often take for granted.
As we delight in our time together, I’m also thinking about and praying for all those who don’t have family, friends, or loved ones to celebrate with.  
There are so many orphans in the world who have no one to even care about or love them.  This post is on my heart, and this post has completely broken my heart.  After reading it I spent several hours crying and praying, and I just haven’t been able to get these precious children out of my mind (and I don’t want to–I want to remember them and to pray for them and help in any way the Lord leads.).  The cry of my heart is, “Lord, what can we do?  How can we help?”  And after reading the above post I linked to here, I actually began to pray, “Come quickly, Lord Jesus.”  There is so much sorrow and pain and suffering in the world.    
These thoughts may seem a bit off-topic, but they do relate to what a powerful place home is.  Belonging to a family is such a beautiful and powerful thing.  And adoption really does change lives.
“Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this:  to visit orphans and widows in their trouble…”        ~James 1:27


  1. Hi Amber,

    Thanks so much for visiting and taking the time to leave such a kind and encouraging comment!

    Thank you also for sharing about your son and the struggles you have experienced. I pray that the Lord will bless you and your family for following Him. ♥

  2. Hi Joy. I just found your blog through "Our Simple Country Life." And I wanted to compliment you on your space here on the Internet. I have briefly browsed for a little while, and I have found everything to be so inspiring. We are an adoptive family. Our son, whom we adopted from Ukraine last summer, is 15 now. There have been some severe struggles and trials but God always proves Himself great and faithful through each one. Blessings to you! I'm happy to be a new follower!

  3. Tanya,

    It was great to hear from you–I hope you're doing well! We are in the same position as you…just praying and asking the Lord what He would have us do and helping/praying for those who are able to adopt right now.

  4. I'm pretty sure I've been following the same blog of the little girl that Deanna mentioned. It is amazing to see (through pictures) this tiny girl blossom with food and tender loving care.

    I'd love to adopt one day, but just praying right now that if that is what the Lord wants for us, then He will make that way clear before my husband and I.

    In the meantime I've been praying for families who are adopting or have adopted.

  5. Deanna,
    That is so wonderful that your friends were able to rescue their sweet little girl! As I read the stories of these precious children, I wish I could rescue them all. It just breaks my heart.

    Dear "Slightly Nerdy.Sometimes Cool" (I feel funny writing that!),
    Thank you so much for sharing about the loaves and fishes story, and also for sharing about your two adoptions. Beautiful. We pray that someday the Lord will open the doors for us to be able to adopt. For now, we will help support other parents to help them adopt.
    Blessings to you!

  6. What a beautiful post! The Lord used the fishes and loaves story from the gospels to speak adoption to me. The little boy did not have much, but he gave all he had. That little did much good. All I thought I had was the fact that I was a mom. Assuredly, that is just what he wanted me to give. Five years later we now have two sweet children through adoption.

    Blessings to you:)

  7. You are so right, Joy.

    We are praying about these things too – we have friends who have recently adopted a daughter with Down's from Bulgaria – the condition she was in is shocking…she is home now in a loving family and doing well but her health is fragile and may always be.

    I love the quote you posted.


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