Serving Christ at Home

“Many people think that work for Christ must be something outside, something great or public. They imagine that to minister to Christ they must teach a Sunday School class or join a missionary society or go out to visit sick people or go into hospitals or prisons on missions of mercy. These are all beautiful and important ministries, and Christ wants some of you to do these things as well; but the very first place you are to serve Him is in your own home

Let the blessed light of your life first be shed throughout that most sacred of all spots. Brightening that little place, you will be all the more ready to be a blessing outside. Those who are the best Christians at home are also the best elsewhere.”    ~J.R. Miller

“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might.” ~Ecclesiastes 9:10

“Keep the lamp of love shining day after day amid the many home cares and duties, amid the criticisms, sarcasm, and thoughtlessness of time, amid the thousand little irritations and arguments of home life that tend to break peace and disrupt a sweet temper. Let your love at home be of the kind that never fails.

Wherever else, far away or near, you pour the bright beams of your Christian love, be sure you brighten the space close about you in your own home. No goodness and gentleness outside will atone for lack of love at home.”   ~J.R. Miller

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” 
~John 13:34-35


  1. Good Morning Joy, I really whole heartedly agree with this post! I have been a homemaker for years. I always felt like it was so hard to find encouragement to stay at home. And doing what He has created me to do! Now it is just my sweet hubby and I, but God still wants me to serve Him by being a keeper of this home. Blessings to you sweet Joy! Roxy

  2. Thank You, Joy. A precious reminder during this busy season. I am encouraged to seek more ways to love my family through ALL of my tasks and my words and nonverbal expression! May the Lord Bless You!

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