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No-Stress Advent Plan: A Calendar for Busy Moms

The Christmas season can often be overwhelming and overly busy. That’s why you need a no-stress Advent plan that’s done for you!

no-stress advent calendar printables

The No-Stress Advent Plan

Every year I try to come up with a meaningful plan for celebrating Advent. We’ve done everything from traditional Advent calendars to an Advent storybook, to a Christmas book Advent calendar (where you open a new picture book every night), and more. But almost every year, by the end of December, I’m left feeling a bit breathless and overwhelmed.

This year I didn’t want the month to fly by in a flurry of activity and busyness. I wanted something a bit more intentional and yet stress-free.I couldn’t find what I was looking for, so I decided to design it myself! (Keep reading  to find out how you can get this for FREE!)

This printable pack includes 1 Advent calendar, 2 pages of Advent tags, and 3 pages of Advent Bible reading cards.

Need a simple, peaceful solution for Advent? This calendar can help!

I printed our Advent calendar on cardstock and then put it in a frame that we already had (after Christmas is over I’ll put it back in my bedroom, where it was formerly hanging!). You can write directly on the glass in the frame with a dry erase marker, and it works just like a dry erase board!

Perfect for Busy Moms

What’s great about this is that if your plans change (which they always seem to do—especially when you have young children!), you can simply erase what you’ve written and then move it to another date. With this method there’s no stress! You can easily change it! And this calendar can be reused, year after year.

If you prefer not to frame the calendar, you could also laminate it or put it in a page protector in your homemaking binder or planner. Or, simply use the printable as a decoration! (I’m in love with the watercolor graphics.)

Printable Advent Tags

In addition to the Advent calendar printable, I’ve also included two sheets of printable Advent tags. These can be used in a variety of ways. You could use them to number a picture book Advent plan (putting one numbered tag on each wrapped book).

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I used some red and white baker’s twine to and mini wooden clothespins to hang these tags:

Or, you could put a craft or treat in a paper bag and use the tags to number each bag.

Advent  Bible Reading Cards

The printable pack also includes a set of Advent Bible reading cards. There’s a Bible passage to read each day, along with directions for lighting the appropriate number of candles on your Advent wreath (if you choose to use one of those).

This is the Bible reading plan we’re going to use this year for Advent, and we’re just going to use our simple Advent wreath that I made a couple of years ago. (I didn’t follow a traditional plan for when to light the candles, since we’re starting our Advent readings on December 1st. So, that might be different if you’ve followed other Advent plans before.)

The Advent Bible reading cards can also be hung on a length of jute or baker’s twine. Since they’re numbered, they could be used on their own as an Advent calendar.

Or, you could do what we’re doing, and put them in some muslin Advent bags like these (I bought these years ago, and we’re still using them).

advent bible cards

At the last minute I decided to add a few treats to some of the bags, just to make the experience even more special and memorable.

no-stress advent plan

I filled a wooden bowl (that my husband picked up at a flea market) with some Christmas ornaments and put the bags on top. This will sit on our buffet by the dining table for easy access.

no-stress advent plan bible readings

I’m so excited that I’ve got everything printed off and ready in advance, just waiting for the beginning of December.

Download Your Advent Calendar Printables Here:

Get your own copy of this super simple advent calendar printable pack by clicking here!


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  1. These are lovely! I’m a big fan of Advent anything. We have an Advent fairy that visits our house each of the nights of December. It was simply when I only had one child; now that I have five, it’s a little more work. Traditions are worth the effort, though!

  2. What a great idea for an advent calendar – beautiful, too. I especially like the advent Bible cards, though. What a perfect way to count down the days to Christmas.

  3. What a cute idea for an Advent Calendar!
    Your pictures are great as well.
    I’m linking today for Sue Donaldson at welcomeheart.com.
    I came over on Fresh Market Friday.
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend~
    Melanie (for Sue)

  4. Pinning and sharing on the Hearth and Soul Facebook page. What lovely ideas to mark the season of Advent. Love the cute free printables too. Thank you so much for being a part of the Hearth and Soul Link Party.

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