Planning a New School Year

This is part of what I’ve been up to lately…
…planning for the coming school year!  Evaluating what worked and what didn’t in the previous year.  Considering each child’s strengths, weaknesses, and desires for the future. 
Usually, I look forward to the planning.  And usually I’ve finished and already have the books!  But this year has been different.  For some reason, I’ve had such a difficult time finalizing the plans.  And I realized, about halfway through, that I wanted some things to be different this year.
I really want to be right there with my children, learning together.  
But I don’t want it to be complicated.  
I want our children to have an excellent education. 
But I also want to focus on discipleship and passing on our Christian worldview.  
In fact, I want the spiritual aspect of homeschooling to come first.  I want them to know and love Jesus, and to learn how to live for Him.  
That has been my prayer, as I’ve flipped through catalogs, perused websites, talked to friends, and discussed  each idea with my husband.
I look forward to having a plan in place and new school books soon.  In the meantime, I thought I’d share some resources that I really enjoy using for school planning.
Favorite Catalogs and Websites:


  • Planning Your Charlotte Mason Education  (I bought this several years ago, and it is so helpful and easy-to-use.  I think it’s a must-have if you’re creating your own plan and using lots of different resources.)
  • Educating the WholeHearted Child (This book has so many great ideas!)
  • Playful Learning (My husband ordered this for me as soon as it came out.  Should I be ashamed to admit that I didn’t know much about this book, but I was totally drawn to the cover?!  Just looking at it inspires me.  I haven’t read this cover-to-cover, but I have found inspiration in the pages I’ve read so far.  The ideas for creating a learning environment are especially lovely.)
  • Getting Started in Homeschooling (This is a free e-book that would be helpful to someone new to homeschooling.  Check out SCM’s other free e-books, too!)
Have you finished your school planning?  I love to hear what others use and love!  

P.S.  Stay tuned for a post on our newly organized school room!


  1. Nice to 'meet' you Joy! I'm an Aussie homeschooler and was sent this link today. I have enjoyed especially the tour of your learning area, what a fantastic place! We had a similar room in our old house but nowhere near the room at this place. I was so inspired that I have spent the morning rearranging , and I hope things will run smoother…there's a lot to be said for old adage ' a place for everything and everything in it's place.

    1. Nice to meet you, too, Lian! Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment. I'm so glad if anything here was helpful. I know just what you mean about everything having a place. We will probably end up learning all over the house, but it is still helpful to have one spot to keep all the school stuff!

  2. Hi Joy – I am about to start the planning for next year's home education. I have one 8yr old little boy and I must say I have found the going tough with the home ed as, although he is very intelligent, he is stubborn and fights it all the way. We have tried a few different approaches including 'unschooling' but so far we have yet to hit on a method that seems to suit us. It is very impressive that you are teaching five little ones. Do you think having more than one student helps encourage the others? Lily. xxx

    1. Hi Lily,

      You know, I have often thought it would be a lot easier if I had fewer children to teach. But it is true that the younger ones tend to want to follow in the footsteps of the older ones. Because they see their older siblings studying and working on school books, they can't wait to do that too.

      Here is an article I remembered seeing, from a blog that I love:
      Although the article is specifically talking about a 5-year-old, perhaps some of the ideas might be helpful. Maybe not, but I just thought I'd mention it.

      I also have had to deal with children who weren't really very excited about doing their school work (I think we've all had to deal with this at times!). I hope you are able to find something that works for you and your son. It has taken a lot of trial and error to figure out what works, and we still make changes from time to time!

    2. Thanks – I will check out the link. Little Son just seems to want to play all the time and its a tricky balance between making sure we get through the formal educational things while not causing him to stick his heels in further!

  3. Oh, I'm right there with you in the planning…Some things have worked great like our Teaching Textbooks math and our Apologia Science. I, too, have wanted change in some areas. I'm looking into the History of Christianity and World Civilization (Vision Forum) for my high school son; the video & audio combination along with the study guide would work well. And, possibly the writing course by Mrs. Morecraft. I also like Apologia for some extra Bible and worldview approaches~specifically the Who is God? and Who am I? books. And then there's looking at Spelling Power because we just can't seem to find something that really works in this area for my 6th grader.
    All in good time; and now pennies are being saved for purchases 🙂

    1. Jennifer, we must have similar goals! We have pretty much decided on Teaching Textbooks for our older 3 children. I'm so glad to hear another positive recommendation for it. I have several friends who also love it.

      We have used and loved Apologia Science, but so far just the books for younger children. We may also be using Apologia again.

      And, just the other day, my husband asked me to look into the Apologia worldview books you mentioned. I haven't had a chance to look at them yet, but I'm planning to.

      And, I know what you mean about saving pennies…that's one of the reasons we haven't ordered any books yet! 🙂

  4. Yes, actually this is the first year I am truly ready to start in August. I am quite surprised with myself 🙂 As a CM educator, this year is proving to be a bit easier. My oldest is graduating from High School and my middle son is starting it…so I am using the same plans as I used with the first, tweaking it a bit of course.

    Don't worry, your plans will be finalized and the school year will begin anew 🙂


    1. That's so great that you're ready! What a good idea to be able to use the same plans you used with your older child. Thanks so much for the encouragement that it will all come together eventually! 🙂

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