Remembering Summer

It was a beautiful summer, but it seemed too short. We camped, we fished, we swam, we ate, we played games.
We celebrated lots of birthdays, swam some more, played outside, and went to the park.
We went bowling:
We met up with sweet friends at a state park and spent a lovely afternoon together, and we also enjoyed spending time with local friends.
We enjoyed fireworks, ate great quantities of watermelon, and went to the lake several more times. 
We made s’mores multiple times:
We saw the Bontrager Family Singers in concert: 
We went to our annual music festival and our girls got some more practice on the stage. These are a couple of the only photos I got of my oldest daughter, and they’re blurry since I was sitting in the back.
We went hiking and we also enjoyed an evening of music with the Jost Family.
I’m thankful for a summer filled with sweet memories made with family and friends.

Speaking of friends, would you please say a prayer for some dear friends of ours from church? Their oldest son Zachary (age 16) is in critical condition at the hospital. He wasn’t feeling well last weekend, so they took him to a local hospital where he received IV fluids because they thought he had heat exhaustion. However, shortly after this, he became very ill and couldn’t walk. He was experiencing paralysis and also couldn’t eat or drink.

They took him to a larger hospital where he was immediately placed in the ICU and received a spinal tap and other tests, trying to determine what was wrong with him. They began treating him for Guillain-Barre syndrome and also rabies (they’re still not sure what’s going on, so they’re treating for both). This evening they took him by helicopter to an even larger hospital in another city, and his condition was not good the last I heard. His mother (who is a sweet friend of mine) just had her ninth baby about a month ago.

Please just say a prayer for the W. family! I know they’re all heart-broken over what’s happening to their precious son and brother. Thank you so much for praying!


    1. Thank you so much, Adrienne! I'm not sure what all they've checked for. At this point they've done many tests on him, including 3 spinal taps, CAT scan, and multiple other tests. I know Lyme disease and other tick-related illnesses can be difficult to diagnose, but the doctors are still trying, and I think they've also got him on some antibiotics.

  1. Looks like your family had a wonderful summer!! Very sorry to hear about your friend's son. We have been praying for him. I hope also that your husband is feeling better.

  2. What a delightful summer Joy! It is so good to record memories that make you see the blessings Our Lord has given us during the season. Sorry to hear about your friend's son, my prayers are with them. Thank you for sharing the need for prayer Joy.

  3. Glad you all had a full and interesting Summer Joy
    Of course I will pray for Zachary and family
    Hope your Husband is feeling better

    Blessings to all

    Fiona ♥

    1. Thank you, Fiona! And thank you so much for praying for Zachary and his family. I can't imagine what they're going through right now.

      And thank you so much for asking about my husband. He's still dealing with some physical issues and just had some lab work done. I'm just thankful for each day with him!

      Blessings to you today♥

  4. It looks like you had a wonderful summer and the cabin place looks great!!! I'm enjoying seeing your family and getting to know you all more. Thanks for sharing with your readers. You've been blessed. My husband and I have prayed for Zach and his family and I will ask others to do so. That breaks my heart and makes me realize how often we can take healthy children for granted that you just don't know what tomorrow brings. Blessings!

    1. Nice to hear from you, Nancy! We love that little cabin, and it's very cheap since it doesn't have running water or a bathroom–so, it's an affordable little vacation for us.

      Thank you so much for praying for Zach. I've been having the same thoughts about how we take so much for granted. I just saw Zach right before he got sick, and he was perfectly fine and such a cheerful and happy guy. It seemed like all of this just happened overnight, and it's a reminder about how we aren't guaranteed another moment with our friends and loved ones. Everything can change so fast. Many blessings to you!

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