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Homemade Coconut Mint Toothpaste (with essential oils)

Homemade coconut mint toothpaste is easy to make! Learn how to make your own natural toothpaste with this simple recipe.

homemade coconut mint toothpaste

Why I Switched to Natural Toothpaste

When we first became interested in natural health and simple living (many years ago), we started noticing how many chemicals we were consuming.

Most conventional toothpaste includes a long list of questionable ingredients and chemicals.

That list includes things like sodium lauryl sulfate, fluoride, artificial coloring and flavoring agents, propylene glycol, and triclosan.

Toothpaste was one of the first things we scrutinized. And we didn’t like what we found in our store-bought toothpaste.

That’s when I decided to try making my own.

homemade coconut mint toothpaste

Homemade Toothpaste is More Natural

I prefer to know what’s in my toothpaste, and I love being able to leave any questionable ingredients out entirely.

Instead of being filled with lots of chemicals, this natural toothpaste recipe is just that—all natural.

I’ve been experimenting with different homemade toothpaste recipes lately.

I started with making my own tooth soap, and now I’m making powders and pastes. Today I’m going to share with you the one I’m currently using.

I’m very happy with this homemade coconut mint toothpaste. It’s so simple, and think this is the best coconut oil toothpaste ever!

Some of the ingredients like xylitol are documented to help fight tooth decay.

Homemade Toothpaste Saves Money

The thing about switching to natural toothpaste is that it can get expensive.
Making your own can be a lot cheaper than most of the natural toothpastes that are available.
In fact, these are all ingredients that we keep stocked in our kitchen, so I didn’t have to buy anything to make this.

If you keep these basic ingredients on hand in your real food pantry for cooking, you’ll find that this homemade coconut mint toothpaste is  inexpensive to make.

homemade coconut mint toothpaste

How Do You Make All Natural Toothpaste?

Making your own natural toothpaste is so incredibly simple! It’ll only take a few minutes to whip up.

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Supplies Needed:


  1. Place the coconut oil in a small saucepan over very low heat and let it gently melt.
  2. Remove the pan from the heat and add the rest of the ingredients. Stir well to combine.
  3. Store the homemade toothpaste in a small glass jar with a lid.
  4. Allow to cool completely.
  5. To use, you can either dip your toothbrush directly into the jar or use a spoon.

Notes: I just dip my toothbrush in this (each family member has their own jar of toothpaste). If you prefer, you could also keep a popsicle stick or a small measuring spoon near the jar and use that to scoop it out.

Does Homemade Toothpaste Really Work?

This post was originally published in January 2014. I updated it and added new photos.

We first started making homemade toothpaste over five years ago, and we’ve been very happy with it!

I was thrilled when we took our older children to the dentist (after years of natural toothpaste use—both homemade and pre-made) and they had zero cavities (my oldest is almost twenty years old, and she still has no cavities!).

Don’t want to make your own? We’ve been happy with this one whenever I’m not making my own.

Homemade Coconut Mint Toothpaste


Homemade Coconut Mint Toothpaste

Homemade Coconut Mint Toothpaste

Homemade coconut mint toothpaste is an easy natural toothpaste recipe! Learn how to make your own toothpaste with this simple tutorial.
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Keyword: homemade coconut mint toothpaste, homemade toothpaste, natural toothpaste recipe
Author: Joy at Artful Homemaking



  • Place the coconut oil in a small saucepan over very low heat and let it gently melt.
  • Remove the pan from the heat and add the rest of the ingredients. Stir well to combine.
  • Store the homemade toothpaste in a small glass jar with a lid.
  • Allow to cool completely.
  • To use, you can either dip your toothbrush directly into the jar or use a spoon.


Notes: I just dip my toothbrush in this (make each family member their own small jar). If you prefer, you could also keep a popsicle stick or a small measuring spoon near the jar and use this to scoop it out.
You can substitute cinnamon for the peppermint essential oil. optional: you can also add Bentonite Clay and Black Walnut hull powder.

This post was originally published in January 2014. Post has been updated with new photos in February 2019.

Thank you so much for stopping by! Have you ever made your own natural toothpaste?

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Homemade Coconut Mint Toothpaste

Homemade Coconut Mint Toothpaste

Homemade Coconut Mint Toothpaste


    1. Hi Ashley! So sorry I’m just now seeing this. I would try 1-2 tablespoons of black walnut hull powder. You may have to adjust the recipe to get the right consistency (you could also try replacing 1 tablespoon of the baking soda with a tablespoon of the walnut hull powder).

        1. We haven’t experienced that, but I usually don’t add it to the toothpaste because I don’t keep it on hand. Some herbalists say it can actually whiten teeth when combined with the baking soda in the toothpaste.

  1. I’ve made coconut toothpaste in the past but I live in a cool climate and the toothpaste is too hard to dip or anything. Is there an ingredient or something to keep the paste soft enough to actually use.
    Thank You!!!

    1. You could try MCT oil. I haven’t tried this myself, so I’m not sure about the amounts, but I’ve heard that it works in homemade toothpaste to keep it softer. Let me know if you try it!

  2. Hi! I tried to ask this question before but couldn’t see if it went through or not. I made this toothpaste and I really like it! But I’m wondering If you know whether it is safe to use on my 14mo. Old baby. Thank you!

    1. I usually wait until about 20 months before using toothpaste (of any kind) with my little ones. Before this age, they like to swallow everything! With babies, I would just use a toothbrush and water.

    1. Hi Jessica! I personally would just use water to brush my baby’s teeth, until about 20-24 months, as they’re less likely to swallow everything then.

  3. Do you normally add the clay and/or hull powder? Just wondering if I should! Thx so much for sharing – I’m really going to try this!

    1. I don’t add them every time, just if I happen to have them on hand (although they are beneficial for dental health). The toothpaste shown in the photos doesn’t contain those two ingredients. Hope you like it! 🙂

  4. I buy an all-natural toothpaste without all the fillers, SLS, or fluoride, but I haven’t ventured out to make my own yet. It looks simple enough. Maybe I should be brave and try it. Thanks for sharing with us at #LiveLifeWell.

  5. Thank you so much for this! I prefer to make my own but have been off the bandwagon for about a year and I would really like to get back on! I love that each person has their own!

    Thanks for linking up @LiveLifeWell!



  6. I make my own toothpaste and my dentist is always surprised and how clean and healthy my teeth are. I did stop using coconut oil, though as it was starting to clog the sink. What I do is blend baking soda, activated charcoal (for whitening, and it works!) and peppermint essential oil. It’s really a toothpowder, but it doesn’t clog my sink. I thought the charcoal would taste awful, but it really has no flavor. I found my way here through Morning Cup of Joe

  7. I have to try this. I like the way it sounds know that coconut oil is great for oil pulling as well. Tooth paste is over rated and honestly hate the taste of it. Thanks for the recipe.

  8. I think you should mention that this toothpaste should not be spit down the sink as coconut oil can/will clog drain pipes. I am looking for another ingredient besides coconut oil to cut down on the amount of coconut oil in the recipe as I like to spit out my toothpaste in the sink. Any ideas would be appreciated!

    1. I know that can be a concern. One option would be to spit in a trashcan lined with a trash bag (which is what I do when I’m oil pulling, since it’s a larger amount of oil), but I know that’s not very desirable for many people. I do spit mine in the sink and we’re on a septic system. I just use a tiny bit of this toothpaste for brushing, and the amount that goes down the sink is smaller than the oil that goes down the sink when rinsing out a pan after cooking with coconut oil (which we do all the time).

      Probably the best option to avoid oil going down the sink would be to try a tooth powder or a clay-based toothpaste. I’ve been happy with this toothpowder and this brushing blend.

  9. I just made you toothpaste and it is very grey. I notice yours appears to be very white. I added the Bentonite to mine. It doesn’t have the Xylitol in it (but I didn’t have that, By the way can I use any artificle sweetners?),
    I just wondered why mine is soooo grey? Is it normal.

    1. I’m not sure, but it could be the clay, depending on the color of the clay (some is grayish in color). In the photo above, mine doesn’t have the clay in it. You could use a different sweetener if you prefer.

      1. XYLITOL has been proven to help reduce cavities.If you are using a sweetener, I do suggest strongly that you use xylitol for its tooth health abilities. No other sweetener can give this benefit, they can only sweeten.I bought mine on amazon and it was not expensive.
        I would also add a good calcium powder. I use calcium citrate malate, the best calcium that the body can actually utilize properly.
        I’ll have to try this recipe.

  10. I made this recipe today following the instructions. Mine turned out very runny and hasn’t set up yet. It’s been room temp on the counter for 6+ hours. I thought it might take time to “harden up” since I melted coconut oil but there hasn’t been any change since I made it. Although it did separate a bit while sitting.

    1. Coconut oil liquifies at 76 degrees F. So, if you melted it and then left it at room temperature and your room temperature is in the 70’s, it will stay liquid. That’s just the nature of coconut oil. In the winter, this toothpaste is solid, and it’s a bit harder to get out of the jar. In the summer, it’s often softer or liquid (depending on the temperature of the room). When it’s in a liquid state, I would just pour a little out on the toothbrush. You could also put it in the fridge to let it harden up a bit, but if the room is very warm it will get soft again when you leave it out. It’s not the neatest toothpaste recipe. 🙂

      1. My coconut oil stays mostly solid in the cabinet that’s why I thought it would harden back up a bit once cooled. But it never did. I will try the fridge. Thanks.

      2. I have added MCT oil to liquid it a bit. Although it still solidifies when cold, it remains a paste.

    1. I don't have an official number on this, but it should be good at room temperature for quite a few months. Since we have several people at a time using it, ours never lasts that long. The only thing I know of that might make it not last as long is if water were to get in the jar. I've heard others say that you should use a spoon or something to apply it to your toothbrush (rather than dipping the wet brush in the jar) to prevent it from getting wet. Hope this helps!

      1. You can always buy a paste tube as well and it works wonderful. Mine doesn’t last long enough to worry about it but I have used this recipe for many years and it keeps your teeth white and your mouth fresh….really good and affordable alternative to buying it.

  11. I have heard that you don't want to put coconut oil down your drain, but is this amount so small that it would not make a difference with regard to clogging your drain?

    1. Yes, that's true. When I was oil pulling with coconut oil I would always either spit it outside or spit into a paper towel in the trash can. But I never have had any trouble with the toothpaste since it is such a small amount.

      1. I made coconut oil toothpaste and used it regularly for at least a couple of years…with no drain issues! I kept reading how it could clog drains, and I’ve had some pretty frustrating clogs in my kitchen drain (another perk of living in these ancient apartments, I “share” drains with the apartment upstairs, ugh!) That said, I finally gave up making my own, but am so obsessed with getting back to it…just can’t seem to decide :(. Has anyone heard of any tips or hints on something that might facilitate it getting through the drain system without solidifying? I thought about trying fractionated coconut oil, doesn’t seem it would solidify, but what a toothpaste mess, lol!

        1. Hi Kate! My husband works for a company that sells coconut oil, and he says the amount most people use for brushing teeth shouldn’t be a problem, especially if you make sure to run some warm water down the drain afterward. For oil pulling, I would definitely recommend spitting it in a trash can or other container (rather than the sink), but we haven’t had any problems with the amount used for brushing teeth. I can’t make any guarantees, but this has been our personal experience. Hope that helps!

          1. Thanks so much! I think it’ll be ok, now that I think about it, seems I remember pouring a pot of almost boiling water down the bathroom sink about once a month…think I’ll get back to it! YAY! 🙂

  12. Wish I would have ground the xylitol like you suggested. Also, had troubles finding food grade peppermint oil, so I used peppermint extract. Turned out very salty so added some stevia sweet drops. Next time I make this, I think I need to follow the recipe exactly.:/

  13. If you really need a sweetener try stevia instead of xylitol. Xylitol is toxic to dogs and can cause death (this could be a concern if your paste is crumbly and pieces find their way to the floor.) I've been oil pulling for years, so non sweetened works well for me

  14. Hi Joy! I've had this recipe made up (just the oils & soda) for some time. I used it a few times as toothpaste, but somehow I couldn't handle the coconut oil in my mouth.
    So, don't laugh…I finally decided to try using it as a face/body scrub! A couple times a week and, oh my, it's wonderful! I just used it up and am now making some more as face scrub using lavender oil.
    Thanks for the toothpaste/face scrub recipe lol
    Sarah from VA

  15. This is the same way I do our toothpaste! I have recently been adding a bit of bentonite clay to it to draw out any impurities that we may have picked up along the way (flu season you know…) and black walnut hull to whiten our teeth. We love it!

    1. Thank you so much for the suggestions about bentonite clay and black walnut hull! I think I may have both of those items on hand, so I'll have to remember to add those. Thanks again!

    2. I don't really have any exact amounts…I just reduce some of the baking soda and add in the other ingredients, getting it the consistency I want. Hope that's helpful!

  16. I've have a similar recipe, but have had trouble with the paste becoming crumbly cuz our house is colder this time of year and the coconut oil solidifies. Does yours do the same? Or do you have any suggestions on how to adjust the recipe to make it work better?

    1. Mine is like that, too, right now. I figured it's just the nature of working with coconut oil, and I just use it that way. Hmmm. I'll let you know if I ever find a way to make it smoother in the winter! 🙂

    2. Good to know! I had been putting it in frosting bags to make it more like a tube of tooth paste, (zip-lock baggies tore at the tip too easily) but that only works in the summer. Right now it's so crumbly, more ends up on the counter than on the brush! I'll need to put it in individual jars so more is used instead of wasted. Thanx for that suggestion!

    3. MY mum does this but also adds a bit of olive oil to keep it a slightly runnier consistency. Not sure how much, maybe a tablespoon using the proportions you gave.

    4. I whip my coconut up with a Handmixer until it is smooth and creamy and then add the Peppermint Oil to it

    5. When this happens to me, I just place the toothpaste container in a cup of warm water while I wash my face. It is then usually soft enough to use when I am ready to brush my teeth.

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