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7 Things to Do Every Day to Keep Your House Clean

Keep your house clean with these 7 simple cleaning tips. If you do these 7 things daily, your house will stay cleaner!

keep your house clean

How to Keep Your House Clean

No matter how hard you work to keep the house clean, doesn’t it seem like it starts to get messy again soon after? It happens here, too.

What you need is a plan for maintaining order after your house is clean. This is the plan I made for myself as a reminder of the basics that need to be done every day.

I also made a printable list to keep in my homemaking binder. (Scroll to the bottom of the post to get the 7 Things to Do Every Day printable!)

7 Things to Do Every Day

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A large part of keeping a clean house is maintaining order. If you get into the habit of doing these 7 things every day, you’ll be way ahead of the game!

1. Make the Bed

There’s just something about a freshly made bed that makes the whole bedroom feel cleaner and more peaceful. And, it only takes a minute or two to accomplish!

2. Do One Load of Laundry

With a larger family, one load a day isn’t going to get the whole job done, but it will keep you from getting totally behind! One load per day, from start to finish, will help you stay current with the laundry.

Honestly, I prefer to designate one day as a “laundry day,” and get it all done at once, but sometimes I just don’t have time to make this work, and it’s harder on our septic system. So lately I’ve been employing this method of doing a load or two each day.

3. Wash the Dishes

Doing the dishes after every meal keeps the kitchen from getting out of hand. It’s especially nice when you have older children who can divide up this chore. These days I hardly ever do dishes!

Related Post: Age-Appropriate Chores for Kids

4. Wipe Down the Countertops

You can take care of the bathroom counter whenever you happen to be in there, and kitchen counters can be wiped down after each meal. This is my favorite countertop spray.

keep your house clean

5. Wipe Down the Kitchen Sink

Keeping the kitchen sink clean is one of the foundations of having a clean house. This is my favorite sink scrub.

6. Sweep the Kitchen Floor

If you have little children, you may need to sweep more than once a day, but at a minimum it’s a good idea to sweep the floor when you’re cleaning up after dinner.

7. Do a Five-Minute Pick Up

You’d be amazed what you can accomplish in just five minutes! Set the timer and quickly tidy up the main living areas at least once a day. If you have children at home, let them help you!

A Free Printable for You

I hope these simple tips start you on the way to being able to keep your house clean on a regular basis! They won’t take care of everything, but they will help you maintain a clean house most of the time.

Be sure to download your free printable 7 Things to Do Every Day list below!

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7 Things to Do Every Day to Keep Your House Clean

Related Post:

7 Habits of Highly Effective Homemakers

essential homemaking habits

This post contains affiliate links. Read my disclosure here. Sharing here.


  1. These are helpful and handy tips. As well as these, I like to give the cooker a wipe down every night when I declare the kitchen closed to the family too x #SaturdaySharefest

  2. These are awesome tips! Thank you so much for sharing and for the printable! I love to have clean countertops! I took the challenge back in 2017 and fell in love. We are living in a camper right now, while we finish our house, so it is not really something I am able to do. But I designed my kitchen and pantry in a way that will let me do that as soon as I move in!!!!

    Thanks for linking up @LiveLifeWell



    1. Thank you, Amy! How exciting to be building a house! That must be amazing to be able to design your own kitchen and pantry!

  3. Yes! Yes! Yes! I try to do these things each day and I find it make such a difference when I don’t.

  4. I totally agree with this list, although I have a few to work on! It really does make the house run smoother when I do the things you listed. By the way, your blog is very pretty!

  5. Such great tips! We would love for you to consider joining us at our To Grandma’s House we go link party – it starts every week on Wednesday and every share gets pinned, thanks!

  6. It’s so much easier to keep up with things, isn’t it! I find the same is true with my desk and the dreaded filing. What ever happened to the paperless society that was supposed to be coming anyway? LOL

  7. We have a big kitchen and all those countertops just become spaces to collect clutter. I think if I could just manage to clean off the counter at the end of each day, I’d feel way better! Maybe a new goal! Thanks!

    1. That’s a great new goal, Karen! I don’t have much counter space, but mine still tend to be clutter magnets!

  8. Oh, one other thing: if you are going to make your bed, do it last! I’ve heard that it gives time for all of the sweat, and grungie things to air out, making it healthier for you.

  9. Nice post, and some great ideas. I usually wash on Sunday, as I work Saturday. I think sometimes I’d like to give myself “permission” to wash on another day, too!
    I ‘m surprised that you don’t make your own cleaning supplies. I do, it takes only minutes, and you know exactly what is in them. Much cheaper than buying pre-made cleaners as well. I just made my homemade laundry soap. Some recipes out there are for liquid ones, but I actually prefer the dry stuff. I think it does better. AND it lasts SO LONG! I think one batch lasted me 6 months. Granted, it’s only me, but I have a working farm, and a dirty-ish job, so get pretty dirty clothes.
    Thanks again for the list, and the printable. I’ll be using the ideas right away.

  10. Thank you for your post! I found it so encouraging in that I could check off the boxes on all of them. Sometimes I wonder if I’m on the right track…and this helped me feel like I’m not failing today.
    Very good and simple guides to helping one’s home be where it needs to be. I have a little card that I keep on my desk…An effort a day keeps failure away. Keeping our homes nice doesn’t have to be a monumental task.

    1. So glad it was encouraging, Jennifer! I know what you mean about sometimes wondering if you’re on the right track—I feel that way sometimes, too. And thank you so much for sharing that encouraging quote!

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