Happy New Year

Despite some challenging situations in December (illness, transmission troubles, and a broken oven to name a few), we had such a lovely and peaceful Christmas. Our whole family agreed that it was the happiest we had ever had, and we were so thankful for the gift of sweet memories made together. I was reluctant to give up the peaceful and cozy atmosphere of Christmas lights and family times.
A couple days ago, I finally felt ready to leave December behind and embrace 2014. We put away all the Christmas decor, and somehow the simple act of packing it away inspired me to declutter and organize everything in the house!
I also took some time to compile my annual book list, which I find very motivating. This year, the books I plan to read are ones that were already on my shelves. With the exception of a few of them, they’re all old favorites, such as my Hidden Art book, which I’ve had since our early married days, almost 16 years ago now. I guess this will be kind of a “review year.”
I’ve been reading through some herb books which were also on my shelves already (all except one, which my mom surprised me with this Christmas.) And a new paleo cookbook that I’m loving. Yes, I do read cookbooks, especially if they’re artistically done and inspiring!
For Bible study this year, in addition to the goal of reading through the Bible, I’m also using these books from Doorposts. I’m starting with Colossians, which you can also get for free on their blog. I like having the book since my computer is in our basement (and my printer is broken, so I can’t print anything out), and I do my Bible study in our bedroom upstairs where it’s quieter. I love that Pam uses the inductive method for studying, which is a method I learned as a new Christian years ago. It really opens up the meaning of each passage.
Did you make any new year’s resolutions this year? I haven’t really done that, but I do plan to focus on some key goals. I’ve also been seeing so many friends choosing a word for the year, which I really like the idea of. The only trouble is, I can’t decide which word. There are so many good ones. And to be limited to a certain one for a whole year is hard for me! I have several in mind that I’m still mulling over. And I may choose several. It may be sort of a phrase, rather than just a word. If I can ever make up my mind about it, I’ll let you know.  ðŸ™‚


  1. I love Be Your Own Doctor- healed up an abscessed tooth last year with her advice. I would love to hear how you like the bible study guides when you get done.

  2. I was literally last night wishing for a Bible study on Colossians, which is my focus book for January. Thank you so much!!!!
    And I just peeked and it's on Colossians 3???? My favorite chapter in the whole Bible!!!!!! This is providential!!!

  3. I was wondering about your calender!!!! I have made plenty of calenders for my family and I never seem to have it all together!! Yours is perfect! Di you make it or buy it? and if you made it could you please share:))))) Is it on a dry erase board? I see a lot of different aspects:) I just need something that is simple like yours but yet has all the info on it my family needs!! Thanks a bunch:) Oh yeah and your blog is the only one actually read thanks for sharing:) Blessings

  4. love you list of reading material! You have many of my all-time favorites in that top stack. I did a series last year on Edith Schaeffer's book. It was fun visiting an old friend again. I haven't seen the Bible studies from Doorposts, I'll be checking those out myself. Thank you for the recommendations!

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