10 Things You Didn’t Know About Me

Just for fun, I thought I would share 10 (somewhat random) things that you probably didn’t know about me unless we’re related or friends in “real life.”
1.  I haven’t watched TV since I was 16.
Yep, it’s true.  When I gave my life to Jesus at the age of 16, I wanted to live a set-apart life for Him.  Most of what I was seeing on TV wasn’t edifying and didn’t fulfill Philippians 4:8, so my mom and I gave our TV away, and I’ve never looked back.  (And I’m not suggesting that you have to get rid of your TV to be a serious Christian, but for me I found it freeing and wonderful.)
As a young woman, I was regularly asked, “What do you do if you don’t watch TV?!?”  And I could list plenty of creative and satisfying pursuits (cooking, reading, sewing, writing, to name just a few).  Friends and co-workers pretty much thought I was weird, though.
2.  I prefer silence most of the time.
However, I love beautiful music, especially music that leads me to worship my Lord.  For me, that’s usually something like David Nevue, classical hymns, classical guitar, or something instrumental.  
But occasionally I’m in a different mood, and I really like Sanctus Real.  Especially this song, this song, and this one.    
But silence is my first choice.  ðŸ™‚
3.  I used to do prison ministry. 

I don’t think I was very good at it, and no, I had never been in prison myself before.  But many of the men were just hungry to hear about Jesus and few were willing to go, so I went.  Usually I was just there for moral/prayer support for the ones doing the ministering.  I will say that it was pretty life-changing to be inside a prison and to interact with the prisoners.

The Louvre Museum
4.  I spent part of a summer living in a church basement in Paris the year I was 20.

I went on a mission trip to Paris.  We were working with a church there, so we stayed in their basement. Every morning included walking to a local bakery for baguettes and other pastries (did I mention that I gained 10 pounds on this trip?).

Our trip also included visiting every major historical site in Paris, including The Louvre art museum.

We also spent some time at a YWAM station in London.  It was a tough mission trip, but somebody had to do it.  Looking back, it was a really great experience, and I’m glad I got to go.

5.  I met my husband at a pro-life volunteer meeting.

I was 21, and I was new in town.  I had decided that I was through with living life for my own enjoyment, and I wanted to do something to make a difference for someone else.  Right after making this decision, I saw a little paragraph in our church bulletin about a maternity home/crisis pregnancy center for unwed teen moms. I decided I would go to the volunteer meeting.  I met my husband there, even though I wasn’t looking for him!  We were engaged 6 months after our first date.

6.  I love vanilla everything.

Ice cream, frosting, candles, lotion–anything!  Vanilla is my favorite scent and flavor.  Don’t get me wrong, I love chocolate, too, but I prefer vanilla in most cases.  I’ll almost always choose just plain vanilla ice cream over chocolate (unless cookie dough is an option!). I’ve been told this is boring, and my husband thinks it’s just plain wrong, but I don’t care.  It’s me.  ðŸ™‚

7.  I’m an introvert.

I love being around people sometimes, and I love close friendships.  But I require a certain amount of time alone in order to feel rested and rejuvenated (and sane).  This can be a challenge as a homeschooling mother of 5.  I’m thankful for a husband who recognizes my need for solitude and helps me find it.

8.  I prefer tea to coffee.

When I was in high school, the coffee trend was just taking off, and one morning before school I drank a few too many cups and then felt a bit sick.  Ever after that it’s never had the same appeal for me.

Photo Source

9.  I wear skirts and dresses most of the time.

My love for dresses began when I was a teenager.  One of my favorite things to do was go to thrift and consignment stores and buy vintage dresses.  Which I would wear with my Doc Marten lace-up shoes.  I still love the look of a dress with lace-up boots.  So, I started wearing dresses and skirts, not because I had to or I believed God required it of me, but simply because I love them.

Later, I appreciated the modesty and femininity that skirts afford, and I wore them exclusively for over 10 years.  But then my ever-practical husband said he thought pants made a lot of sense, especially for things like hiking, exercising, and other activities.  I still prefer skirts and dresses, however, and you’ll usually find me in one!

10.  I spent many of my growing up years in Texas, and I still say y’all.

And although my mom is a born-and-raised Texan, the Texas accent didn’t rub off on me.  Oh, and I also occasionally still say “dude.”  In fact, just the other day my 4-year-old said, “I mean, dude. What’s up with that?”  Oops.  Wonder where he learned to talk like that?

So, there you have 10 little-known facts about me.  Are any of them surprising?  Can you relate to any of them?  


  1. Love that I found your blog through the link up. We have so much in common. I am a new follower of your blog. I haven't had a tv since I gave my life to Jesus. It is just a sewer pipe I can live without. My hubby does the grocery shopping and does the cooking. Though he is a public school math teacher & Pastor too. Love skirts!

  2. I don't watch TV either, for the same reasons. But I don't know where I'd find the time anyway. There are so many other things to be doing!
    And I can relate to wearing skirts/dresses, drinking tea and being an introvert. But not the vanilla part – I'm definitely a chocolate girl!

  3. I loved reading this list about you. I'm jealous about your time in Paris! What a fun experience! What yummy food. 🙂

    We don't watch much TV in our home either, especially the girls. There is absolutely nothing good on! I agree!!!

    And I do say y'all. I do live in Tennessee after all. 🙂 But I don't have much of a southern accent. Not many people can tell I'm from the South when we travel.

    Great list!

  4. I am giving serious thought and prayer to wearing pants. How often in a week do you wear them? I am 34 and have never worn pants but am considering buying some pants to wear when gardening, walking the dog, playing with the children in the park etc


    1. Well, in the summer I almost never wear them, just because I'm comfortable in skirts since they're cooler. Although when we went camping this spring I did wear some when we went hiking. It just depends on the activity and the weather.

    2. I bought my first ever pair of pants yesterday and feel really strange wearing them. They are very comfortable though. My children said I look like daddy!

  5. Me, Emma, and Rylan just finished reading your list. 😀 It was neat learning more about you! We have a lot in common! We also don't watch t.v., only netflix movies occassionaly and haven't for years as well. I guess I view t.v. as a huge time waster, although the internet can be also. I am also an introvert and prefer tea over coffee. I've tried to make myself like coffee, but never had success. 🙂 My husband wouldn't mind if coffee was the only beverage. Have a great day, Joy!

    1. Hi Kristin! How fun that you all read my post together. 🙂 I love that you're an introvert, too. I've really enjoyed getting to know you this past year! Hope you have a great day, too!


  6. Tea is the only way to go! I drink coffee once in a while because it reminds me of my mom. Can you imagine how teased I got growing up near Seattle and not being a coffee drinker?! And I never had Doc's but they were all the rage, of course.

    There is something wrong with you if you prefer vanilla. But if you do– ever made your own extract? You get some good brandy, and some vanilla beans…now that is divine.

    Jesse Hope

    1. Hey Jesse! I'm surprised you never had Doc's. I had a job at the grocery store when I was 15, and I spent all my money on that wonderful pair of "had-to-have" shoes. 🙂

      And, yes, I only use my own homemade vanilla extract–so fun to make! I've never tried brandy, just vodka. Is the brandy better?

  7. Thanks for sharing! That was fun 🙂
    Here is my list…
    1. I was 23
    2. YES YES YES
    3. n/a
    4. n/a
    5. n/a
    7. Both…
    8. COFFEE!
    9. YES to Skirts 🙂
    10. Embarrassed to say that "dude" has slipped out too 🙂
    Happy homemaking ~ JES

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