It Doesn’t Have to Be Perfect to Be Beautiful

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“Housework done incorrectly still blesses your family!”  ~FlyLady

“It doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful.”  ~The Nester
The quotes above are two of my favorite inspirational homemaking thoughts.  Do  you ever feel that you just can’t measure up, or like the way you do things just isn’t good enough?  I struggle with those thoughts, too. 
Our home is full of well-used, second-hand furniture, chipping paint, and worn wood.  Keeping our house clean with all seven of us at home all day, everyday is a challenge.  Getting it all done and nurturing relationships, homemaking, homeschooling, and other necessary activities can be a balancing act.
I discovered FlyLady over ten years ago, but I had strayed from her methods, and I was needing some help getting things to flow in our home.  My mom always encourages me with FlyLady’s helpful reminders and principles, and I found myself returning to them and being refreshed and my homemaking vision renewed.

So, I redid my homemaking notebook, went through my whole house, cleaning top to bottom, and started on a major decluttering mission.  I started my deep cleaning in the spring, and I think I’ve gone through every single room, closet, drawer, and even the garage (that was a family project!).  I still have so much left to do, as it’s an ongoing process, especially when you have several children at home all the time and homeschool, but I’m so thankful I know where I’m at and have a plan.  Just having a plan is encouraging!
I hope to share my new and improved homemaking binder with you sometime, but I still have a few improvements to make on it, such as typing out my new menu and making a grocery shopping list.  So far it is more user-friendly and helpful than any I’ve ever made before (and I’ve been making and revising them for years now!).
The important thing I’m trying to keep in mind is to let go of perfectionism.  Sometimes we can become so focused on doing things perfectly that we don’t do anything at all.  Just doing something is better than nothing.  That’s one of the things I love about FlyLady–she encourages you to just do something, and start somewhere, and she walks you through the baby-steps to accomplish it.

I love the thought that even if it isn’t perfect, my family will still be blessed by my homemaking efforts!

“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might.”  ~Ecclesiastes 9:10
“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men.”  ~Colossians 3:23
P.S.  If you’re new to homemaking, you might want to check out the Homemaking 101 DVD, too (that’s my affiliate link–thanks so much if you decide to use it!).  I watched it for the first time recently, and even though I’ve been a homemaker for years, I still found it encouraging to watch.

And just one more P.S.:  Here’s the new Flexi of the Month for September!
Visit my Lilla Rose website to see all the sizes, or go here to find your size.


  1. Really enjoyed this. Also, I did the same thing this Memorial Day weekend and my husband thought I was insane but I was on a mission to get rid of all his uh, the family's clutter, lol!

  2. Love this post! I daily have to remind myself that my house doesn't have to be perfect. It's easy to get overwhelmed with all the daily work. It does help that my children are getting older and are able to help out and have their own chores, which makes my load a lot lighter! LOVE your new blog header!!

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