Master Bathroom Closet Totally Organized

Our master bathroom is just a tiny little room with a toilet, shower, and one small closet.  But oh, how thankful I am for this little room and this little closet!  I could tell this closet had great potential, and could be very useful.  But it was desperately needing some organization.  
I started by gathering plastic containers of all different sizes and shapes.  Some of these we’ve had for years, others I had to purchase. 
I don’t have a [working] label maker, so I just printed these labels on paper, cut them out, and then taped them with packing tape.  They may not be the most professional or the most perfect, but they work!  
I have a small amount of hand washing that I do each week in our bathroom sink.  For years I have been planning to make a lingerie bag to hold these items, but I just never make the time to do it.  Then I remembered this beautiful clothespin bag Sarah gave me for my birthday last year (thank you again, Sarah, I love it!).  I hung a nail on the wall in the closet, and it is the perfect size for my delicate items that I need to hand wash.  And it’s pretty, too!  (If you’d like one for yourself, visit Sarah’s Etsy store!).
To me, this simple closet is beautiful, because it is totally organized!  When I open the door, I am greeted with a picture of order.  Everything has a place, and everything is in its place.  There is a tall laundry basket for dirty laundry, a basket for washcloths, a place for the hand washing…I love that I know just where to go to find any item.  My husband recently told me that he really liked the way I had organized this space.  He said it was so nice to be able to find anything he is looking for very easily.  That makes me happy!


  1. This is an excellent idea Joy! I have a blanket chest that holds all of our sheets. Your idea is just so organized and simple to do.

    Thank you so much for sharing.


  2. This looks nice and neat 🙂 🙂 We have a large hall closet, that I"m trying to organize. There's a lot of space that is going unused. So little by little I'm trying to use up all the space. The closet is nice and deep, too…so it makes it easy to store large things, too. That and if I can use the space better, than that's less stuff that has to be outside or on the floor. Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather 🙂

  3. Thanks, Tanya! Your blog posts about how you've organized different rooms in your home has always inspired me! I know what you mean…I always have so many plans and goals that I can never get to them all!

  4. Hi Deanna!

    I still have some serious linen issues in my hall closet (the one that houses the bedding and towels for all the kids). I should work on that next!


  5. Dear Mary,

    I'm so sorry to hear about your shoulder! I can understand how physical difficulties can make it hard to get everything done. It can be very discouraging. I hope your shoulder will be better soon!


  6. Sarah!

    I wondered what you would think of me using the clothespin bag as a lingerie bag!! 🙂 We have been planning to get a clothesline put up at this house since last year, but we still haven't done it. When you sent me the bag I was so hopeful that I could use it for its intended purpose, but while I waited for the clothesline I thought I would use it in my closet instead. It was just too pretty to be sitting around without a purpose! For months I used it in my closet to hold scarves. But then I decided it would be just right in my bathroom closet! If we ever do get a clothesline I'll have to get busy making a lingerie bag (so I can use the clothespin bag for clothespins!). It would be such a simple thing to make that I don't know why I don't make time for it.

    Thanks so much for your sweet comment. Your comments always brighten my day. Hope yours is blessed!

  7. I have some linen issues in our closet in the bathroom. I am going to think through some of these things that you have done!

    Thanks for showing us!

  8. Very nice! I need to get back to my organizing and de-cluttering 52 week challenge again this week end. My frozen shoulder makes it hard to get motivated but I need to just go slow and do what I can.

    The 3 drawer organizer organization for sheets and things was a perfect idea for me, thank you! Going to pin this so I don't have to try to remember. [o=

    Blessings and ((HUGS))

  9. This was an inspiring post, Joy . . . everything is so organized! You must have good organizational skills, as this looks really nice. 🙂 And what a great idea to make the labels using your printer and packing tape. They look great!

    It made me smile to see that you found such a good use for the clothespin bag! I am glad that it is working well for you. 🙂 And thank you so much for linking to me . . . that was sweet of you!

    Praying you have a blessed and refreshing week in the Lord!

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