Set Aside Time to Pray

“I remember as a younger mom reading an article written by a homeschool mother of many children who said it was fine not to have Bible-reading and prayer time each day.  She said the Lord understood how busy she was and that there simply wasn’t time for that in her day.  My heart wept as I read that because I knew I was every bit as busy, with my house full of little children plus homeschooling, as she was.  I also knew the absolute importance of taking time each day to sit at Jesus’ feet, learn from Him, and pour out my heart to Him in prayer.  I didn’t have time not to be doing that.  You don’t either.  My heart broke as I read her article, because I knew there would be moms who would take what she said as an excuse not to read their Bibles or pray.  Oh, the blessing and the peace that they would be missing out on–all due to bad counsel.  Please, please, follow our Lord’s example and set time aside to pray.  Do it!”   

 ~Teri Maxwell, Sweet Journey

Here’s a post with creative ideas for fitting this important time into your busy day:  Quiet Times for Busy Moms


  1. Thank you again for a post such as this!! How very true. When it all comes down to it…why are we doing what we are doing? For HIM!!

    I want to stich on a sampler and pin to my wall, "First things first".

  2. Such wisdom and thank you for this kernel of wisdom. To remember to never stop doing good and gathering at the feet of our Lord. This last week end was such a reminder of this very thing. It is soooooooo very important to not give into our tiredness but to depend on our Lord for everything and have a relationship with Him.

    Blessings and ((HUGS))

  3. I find that I am calmer and more focused when I pray and spend time in the word. Time with the Lord need always come before the many chores of the day. Thank you for this reminder.

    1. I know what you mean, Ellen. Sometimes Ezra keeps me up at night, and then I'm so tired in the morning and I have to have my quiet time in the afternoon. It always works out better when I can do it first thing in the morning.

  4. Dear Joy,
    Yes, I felt convicted too not too long ago while reading ones blog post. It felt like the Lord was calling… and pulling me back to Him.
    I am grateful for those posts. He comes first, then all the other "things".
    Have a lovely day!


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