Encouragement for Discouraging Days


“We all have our discouraging days, when things do not go well.  Young people fail school lessons although they have studied hard and done their best. Homemakers and executives grow tired. Parents struggle to control their children. 

It may seem impossible to keep a good perspective, to maintain a loving disposition so essential to a pleasant day.  

Try as you will to be gentle, kind, and patient, your mind is clouded. You come to the close of a long, unhappy day disturbed, defeated, and discouraged. You have done your best, but you feel like a failure. 

You fall upon your knees with only tears for a prayer. Lift up your eyes and see who will help.  Before His sweet smile the shadows flee away; at His Word new strength is given. Your work is easier, and life is better again.”        ~J.R. Miller


  1. Dear Sally,

    Your comment just made my day! I'm so thankful if anyone is encouraged by anything I post. To God be the glory!

    I know what you mean about facebook…I don't do much with mine. 🙂 Thank you for sharing, and I hope your day has been blessed!

  2. GOd is using you, dear one. Several times I have come via my reader (is that what you call it?) and your message is hard and true, gentle and strong, all at the same time. It is what I need in that moment.
    Thank you!

    I have shared this today with my (albeit small) Facebook readership this morning: http://www.facebook.com/witheagerhands ( i think that's what it is — can you tell I'm no go with this sutff?)

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