Handmade Baby

How exciting to finish my first hat!  I used Julie’s free earflap hat pattern, just like the one my mom made for my little guy last year.  When I gave it to him to try on, he didn’t want to take it off!
I also finished this adorable pair of baby pants, using this pattern.  I wish this pattern had existed back when I first started using cloth diapers with my second baby (10 years ago).  I remember how hard it was to find pants to fit over the huge diaper.  This pattern eliminates that problem, as there is a rear panel that adds extra room to accommodate a cloth diaper.  And I love the cuffed version!  I didn’t ask him to pose for any of these photos…I just followed him around with the camera, and he looked so cute!
It looks like I made a few mistakes at the top of the hat…oops!  I did have some unusual situation happen where I ended up with one extra stitch on my needles.  I have no idea how that happened, and I didn’t know how to fix it so I just kept going!  🙂
Now that I have finished my first hat, I’m longing to make another one.  But until I can afford to buy some new yarn, I’ve gone back to making dishcloths.

I recently started reading Gentle Measures, a book by Jacob Abbott.  My husband found this book a few years ago and I saw it on the shelf so I thought I’d see what it was about.  I can’t say for sure about the whole book, but so far I really like it.  The encouragement to have sympathy with our children, to enter into their childish interests, to treat them gently and lovingly is so great.  I’m looking forward to reading the rest of it, but time for reading is scarce these days!


  1. what a darling hat, and such a sweet little model. the pants are so cute too, it's such a good feeling when children wear and love the things we mamas make.

  2. Thank you all so much for your kind comments–reading them made my day!

    Milehimama, I think the total length of the ties ended up being about 14" long (I don't have the hat in front of me right now). There wasn't a set length, I just made them as long as I liked them. 🙂

    That's a wonderful idea to save money by undoing an item…I'll have to remember that if I come across something made with yarn I like!

    Thanks for sharing the great idea about baby pants. Love it! I'm in the process of making some baby pants from a felted wool sweater. I think they'll be so cute and also warm this winter.

    I so appreciate your comment that there are never mistakes–thanks!

  3. The hat looks wonderful, even with the extra stitch. 😉 I always have trouble attaching earflaps so that the seam doesn't show. Your's look great. I know what you mean about pants and CDs. I used baggy pants and traced them on the hubby's old t-shirt to make pants. The rest of the time I used wool.

  4. Such a beautiful color for the hat – I like the little aqua flecks in it. And those pants are so sweet and practical too – that's always a plus. I'm with you – there are so many lovely patterns out there now that I wish had been available when my kids were littler.

  5. Maria~
    Yes, I think Ezra is quite oblivious to any imperfections in my knitting, thankfully! 🙂 Thanks for your comment!

    Grace Mae~
    Thanks for letting me know about the sale…I asked Mom to check it out for me. 🙂

    Thank you! I have really enjoyed learning to knit, but it is hard to find the time. I often get much of my crafting done while we're driving somewhere.

    Thanks! I love the marine heather, too. Such a lovely blue. I had to laugh at your comment about falling asleep with book in hand…I've been there, too!

    Thank you so much for sharing in my excitement over the completion of my first hat! Your knitting has been such an inspiration to me, and your cute little hats have inspired me to make more of them. I'd also love to try making some mittens.

    Thank you so much for your kind words and the encouragement!

    Thank you for always leaving such sweet comments!

    That picture with the little toes…my favorite as well! I didn't even remember him doing that until I uploaded the pictures to my computer. How precious he is!

    Thank you!

    Thank you so much, and I'm glad you enjoyed seeing the pictures!

  6. I really like how the hat turned out, Joy, and these photos of Ezra are so precious! I enjoyed seeing each and every one of them. His little bare feet peeking out the bottom of his pants are especially cute. 🙂

  7. if I were to rate the pictures in order of most liked…the little toes win first place for sure!
    My girls love going without their shoes in almost any weather.
    The hat and pants are so dear!Both turned out just great and he looks so sweet modeling them. ♥

    Enjoy your day!

  8. I loved the photos! Your hat turned out perfect. Thank you for the pattern links I bookmarked them and when I get some grand sons then I will have to make some of those pants. [o=

    Blessings and ((HUGS))

  9. Dear Joy, I don't think that Ezra minds too much the 'little' mistake on the hat 😀

    He seems to truly enjoy his new winter wear. And the pants are perfect for a very busy boy 🙂

    Have a blessed week, and thank you so much for sharing your dishcloth pattern. I tend to crochet mine, but knitting them is also fun.


  10. Ezra's new baby pants and hat are darling. They fit him perfectly. Reading a previous post I can see how you were charmed by this blue yarn heatherd with hints of green. Even with your confession of one "elusive" stitch I'm having trouble finding it. I confess that my blue cabled sweater photographed on the beach has an "off" stitch inside a front horseshoe cable. Why couldn't it have been in the back? Like you I noticed it afterwards. Homemade knitting is forgiving about such stitches.
    Your hat is adorable. And your model is influencing my use of the adjective.
    Karen A.

  11. Hi Miss Joy~
    I just thought I'd let you know that Pamida in Eldo is having a yarn sale. Buy 1 get one 5o% off of equal or less value. I bought some cotton yarn there on Sat. Just thought I'd let you know. It is a really good deal. Ezra looks so cute in the hat. Blessings~

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