Home » Diastasis Recti » Week 6 With The Tummy Team {Healing Diastasis Recti}

Week 6 With The Tummy Team {Healing Diastasis Recti}

It’s a week 6 update for my Tummy Team program!

Week 6 with The Tummy Team

I’ve now completed 6 weeks with The Tummy Team! I don’t have any new photos this week, since everything looks pretty much like it did when I posted the last update (and I also just couldn’t find time to take photos!).
Here are my measurements to compare (there’s a video in this post that will explain exactly what and how I’m measuring).


Before starting the program:
Waist: 37″
Upper: 4 medium  (“medium” refers to the connective tissue depth)
Middle: 4 deep (with pulse–meaning I can’t even feel the connective tissue, and I can feel a pulse beating there)
Lower: 3 medium
After two weeks of doing the Core Foundations Program:
Waist: 34″
Upper: 3 medium
Middle: 3.5 deep
Lower: 2 shallow
After four weeks:
Waist: 34″
Upper: 3 medium
Middle: 3 deep (but definitely not as deep as before)
Lower: 1.5 shallow (this part is almost closed!)
After six weeks:
Waist: 34″
Upper: 2.5 medium
Middle: 2.5 medium/deep (not as deep as last time!)
Lower:  1 shallow!
Honestly, I was almost afraid to take measurements this week. I felt like I hadn’t been doing the exercises as much as I should, as we had many unexpected things come up in our schedule. I was sure there would be no improvement, and I was sure that my measurements would reflect my lack of attention to the exercises.
So, I was almost in (happy) tears Sunday, when I discovered that, despite my fears, my diastasis had continued the healing process! I was so thankful for the improvement that was made, even though it was small!
This week my focus is on continuing the main exercises and stretches, beginning the weaning process from the splint (which many people do a couple of weeks earlier, but I wanted to give my connective tissue a bit more time to heal), and starting some tummy-safe exercises with Fit2B.
P.S. Kelly (the owner of The Tummy Team), has kindly offered a discount for my readers, which is good through March 31, 2015–just about two more weeks)!
Use the promo code ARTFUL20 to get 20% off the online Tummy Team programs when you order here!

Other Posts in This Series:

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        1. Hi Dee! I think the time will vary depending on where you’re at in the program. At first, the time commitment will be greater, because you’ll be learning the program and the exercises. What I did is watch the video at the beginning of the week and then work through the exercises each day. So, the day I watched the new video took longer, but then the days following didn’t take as much time because then it was just a matter of doing the exercises. Also, Kelly helps you learn how to integrate the exercises into your everyday life, so some of them can be done while you’re going about your day.

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