Apples In Our Kitchen

After picking up two bushels of apples at the orchard a couple of weekends ago, we have been busy in our kitchen making the most wonderful apple creations.  The older girls were longing to make pies, so we settled on a rustic apple pie (a sort of rustic apple galette). 
The girls made these pies entirely on their own with no help from me!  We talked, I took photos, and I read to them while they worked.  I thought they turned out lovely, and they were so delicious. 
We had some apples left over, so we also made this apple crisp.  So, after supper we had apple pie, apple crisp (a small serving of each), and whipped cream (made from the cream skimmed from our raw milk).  
We also made fried apples several times, had apples in our oatmeal for breakfast, made apple dip, and had several kinds of applesauce.  I made raw applesauce in the Vita-Mix several times, and we also had cooked applesauce.  Then last night I made apple butter, which we ate this morning on our toast.  My husband pointed to the jar and said, “That’s very good,” and the children agreed.  I love apple season.  


  1. My daughters-in-law and I processed 9 half bushels of apples into applesauce, we just finished up today. We canned half and prepared the other half for the freezer. Your apple butter sounds yummy, care to share your recipe? 😉

  2. These photos are amazing, Joy! I love how you captured the mood and the hominess. And those little apple pies look delicious! Your girls are turning into quite the little homemakers. 🙂

    Isn't apple butter delicious? It is one of our favorite spreads on toast.

  3. Wow, beautiful pies and they look delicious 🙂
    Keep up the good work girls!

    We have also made some pies yesterday, check it out here…

  4. Your daughters are very accomplished already! A credit to your early teaching and inspiration, dear mama! I loved your photographs…such beauty conveyed through something so simple as an apple pie. I have two sons, so seeing anything pink and domestic is a beautiful sight to my eyes, LOL! I enjoyed this post, please compliment your daughters on beautiful culinary creations…I could taste that goodness all the way up here in Illinois!


  5. Dear Jacinda~
    Your sweet comment just made my day! Thank you! 🙂

    Enjoy your apples!

    Oh, crab apple jelly! That sounds so good and old-fashioned. 🙂

    Good Old Household~
    Thanks so much for your comment!

    Emily Fay~
    Thank you! Enjoy your canning!

    Thank you for your lovely comment!

    Thank you for your sweet words–we did have such a nice afternoon together. 🙂

    Thank you very much! My girls just love cooking–they could spend all day in the kitchen, and they've told me it is their favorite homemaking activity. Sitting around doing cross stitch or other hand sewing isn't really their thing, but cooking they really like! 🙂

  6. I think I could smell your delightful kitchen with all the cinnamon and other spices. What beautiful mind pictures of you reading to your daughters while they created their masterpiece pies.

    With joy,

  7. I will be picking up our apples this Friday…I am so looking forward to apple sauce, apple crisp, apple bread, apple pie…oh the list goes on and on… 🙂


  8. Ohhh yes I love love love apple time. I just made a couple batches of crab apple jelly which I will blog about tomorrow. [o= I love all the sweet photos.

    Blessings in Him<><

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