Choosing Gratitude: My Journey To Joy

“The grateful heart that springs forth in joy is not acquired in a moment; it is the fruit of a thousand choices.” 
 ~Nancy Leigh DeMoss
As I have been reading through Nancy’s book, Choosing Gratitude, I am being changed. God is awakening in my heart a new understanding of gratitude and a desire to give thanks in all things.  It isn’t an easy choice to give thanks when things are rough.  And how often we forget to give thanks even when things are going well!
But when the days seem dark, making the choice to give thanks rather than give vent to negative words or attitudes can change the whole atmosphere, even bringing us into the very presence of God.
“Gratitude is a lifestyle.  A hard-fought, grace-infused, biblical lifestyle.”

Taking the time to create a “blessings journal,” or a “gratitude notebook,” has been so beneficial to me lately.  Writing down the definition of gratitude, daily recalling blessings and kindnesses and gifts, copying verses that speak of thankfulness…it has all been very good.  So soul-nurturing.  
Every afternoon as my little one goes down for his nap and the other children find occupations that don’t require my assistance (usually!), I sit down with my Bible and notebook.  It is just so good!  It’s easy to let this kind of soul-searching get pushed aside for other activities, but it is so necessary.  I have my regular Bible reading time, but this afternoon time with my “gratitude study” is really feeding me spiritually in a way I was desperately needing (even though I didn’t even realize it until I started!).
My daughter saw me making my journal and said she wished she could do that.  I’m planning to help the children make a blessings journal of their own–a place where they can daily count all the blessings that come to them and remind them to be thankful to the Lord who gives every good gift.
“Could you, therefore, work miracles, you could not do more for yourself than by this thankful spirit; for it heals with a word speaking, and turns all that it touches into happiness.”
~ William Law, quoted in Choosing Gratitude


  1. Mary,
    Yes, I understood your comment! How fun to be preparing for a craft fair!

    Mrs. Q,
    Thank you, and thanks so much for stopping by!

    Thank you for leaving a comment, and I hope you're having a lovely day!

  2. What a wonderful idea. It is so important to remember to be thankful to God for His goodness to us. If not, we can become so bitter and resentful if we focus on what others have that we don't. There is always something to be thankful for. Thank you for sharing your pretty journal!

  3. Ohhh I was so tired when I wrote my comments. I have been getting ready for a craft fair that I am selling my crafts at. I hope you understood what I said. [o=

    Blessings and ((HUGS))

  4. Collette,
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    I'm so glad if you were encouraged–to God be the glory! I'll try to remember to do a tutorial when I do this with the children–need to do that soon. 🙂 Blessings to you!

  5. This is so encouraging my friend. I am going to have to create one of my own. And to get better at booking out a to journal and spend some quiet time with the Lord in thanks. A tutorial when you make your daughter would be wonderful. ((hint, hint [o= )

    Blessings in Him<><

  6. Joy, this was so beautiful and encouraging! I've been pondering the idea of choosing gratitude lately, too…a very small sacrifice I can give to Jesus when my heart wants to sulk or fret or be sad. I can love Him by choosing to be joyful instead.

    Very blessed by your thoughts today!

  7. What a lovely journal, Joy! Thanks for sharing this. Journaling is so fun – I have one, like Stacy, to record what Jesus is teaching me during my quiet times and sometimes I write my blessings & prayers. It's encouraging to go back over them and see where prayers have been answered and remind myself just how good God is! I've also found that studying Scripture by writing it out as you showed in your post helps write the words on your heart as well as on the page. The book seems like one I'll have to check out soon!

  8. I have so enjoyed reading all your comments. Thank you for sharing about your journals and the ways you live out gratitude in your own lives.

    Just today I had an opportunity to choose to have a thankful heart (after hearing some discouraging news), and it took away the negative feeling I was having and replaced it with a feeling of joy and hope. I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for His grace and peace!

  9. What a neat idea!!! I'm going to start something like that. It is amazing how you can have such a different outlook when you are thankful and have a heart full of gratitude even for the "little" things. 🙂

  10. It is consciously…it is awareness…it is completely focusing on the One that provides Everything !

    Thank you for sharing Joy. The cards are so pretty.


  11. This is a wonderful idea, Joy! And I am glad that it has been such a blessing to you already. And by the way, your journal is beautiful! 🙂

  12. As I've said before my spiritual path is different to yours but nevertheless we have things in common. I give thanks every day for 'all the beauty and the gifts of the earth and sky' and I'm grateful also for many other things. When things are not going well in life it's a real help to be able to appreciate a wonderful sunset or the colours of the changing leaves and other things that are always there regardless of personal circumstances. I don't keep a journal but it's a great idea to do so.

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