Medi-Share: A Good Alternative to Traditional Health Insurance

christian care ministries medi-share review

When my husband and I first married, we had health insurance coverage through my husband’s employment.  This was affordable for us and although we never had the most comprehensive (and expensive) coverage, it always took care of our basic medical needs, including the sizable costs involved with pregnancy and childbirth.

That all changed when the large company my husband worked for was bought out and his department was  permanently laid off.  After another short period of employment, my husband became self-employed, and due to a very tight budget, we went for over 10 years without any health insurance at all.

While it worked out for us to go uninsured for all that time, The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (also known as ObamaCare) was signed into law in March 2010 and went into effect on January 1, 2014, including the mandate that individuals carry health insurance or pay penalties.

For 2014, we decided that it made more sense financially to pay the penalty than to purchase insurance, however, since the penalty increases with each passing year, in 2015 we started seriously searching for some type of health coverage option that would be both affordable and consistent with our Christian convictions on issues like abortion.

After quite a bit of research, we decided that Christian Care Ministry Medi-Share was the best option for our family of seven.  One really important factor is that although Medi-Share is not insurance, Medi-Share members are exempt from the federal mandate to purchase insurance or face financial penalties.

How it Works

The infographic below does a great job of explaining the process of how Medi-Share works.

christian care ministry medi-share review

What We Like About Medi-Share

1. It’s a Ministry

Medi-Share is a healthcare sharing ministry where members share each other’s medical expenses. Since 1993, Medi-Share members have shared and discounted more than $1.4 billion in medical bills!  There are plans available for individuals, families, and seniors.

christian care ministry medi-share review

2. Seven Levels of Sharing

With seven levels of sharing, Medi-Share offers flexible options to fit each family, at around half the cost of other healthcare programs.

3. Choose Your Own Provider

Medi-Share uses one of the largest networks of providers in the country, or you can choose your own provider.

4. Free Live Online Consultations

Medi-Share members also have 24/7 access (at no cost) to telehealth providers for non-emergency care, as well as discounted dental and vision services.

We recently used the telehealth service to do a free live online consult with a medical doctor when one of our daughters had a non-emergency medical situation.  The doctor we consulted with was professional, courteous and knowledgeable.

5. Access to the Prayer Stream Community

Christian Care Ministry also offers Prayer Stream, an online community of believers connecting, encouraging, and praying for one another.  This can be really important when a family is facing a serious health burden.

6. Simple Application Process

Christian Care Ministry tries to make the application process as straight-forward as possible. After completing the application, emails are sent with further instructions. You’ll be asked to complete a medical questionnaire, and set up a personal sharing account.  Once you’ve made your first monthly share, your membership can begin!

7. Refer a Friend and Earn

Finally, Medi-Share has a Refer-A-Friend program.  Once you join Medi-Share, you become eligible to refer others.

If a new member signs up through your referral, you receive a $100 PayPal Cash or Visa Gift Card reward!  If you want to learn more or sign up for Medi-Share, please click through our referral link as it would be a huge blessing to our family!

christian care ministries medi-share review

Why You Might Be Interested in Medi-Share

Although ObamaCare had the goal of making health insurance affordable, for many people insurance rates have gone up rather than down, and additional large rate increases are in store for the coming year. In addition, Christians who take part in non-Christian insurance plans may be forced through their premiums to help pay for procedures that are morally objectionable.

If you are a Christian and are looking for an affordable and biblical option that qualifies under ObamaCare, you may want to join my family in taking a look at Medi-Share for your family’s medical needs.

christian care ministries medi-share review

Disclosure: This post contains my referral link. Read my full disclosure here. Sharing here.


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