A Joyful Mother

~~The following words are excerpted from Nancy Campbell’s book, The Power of Motherhood, which I am studying (I’ve read it before, but I was needing some encouragement!). They were such an encouragement and a balm to my heart this morning, that I thought I would share them with you here.~~

1. Embrace motherhood with all your heart. Unless you embrace it fully, you will never enjoy it.

2. Realize that motherhood is a serving role. Give up your own rights. When you hang on to your own rights, you will be totally miserable. When you believe that you must have a full night’s sleep every night, you will be miserable all day because you did not have one.

3. Confess that you are a joyful mother. When you get up in the morning, even if you have had a broken night’s sleep with your little baby, confess, “Thank you, Lord, for your joy which fills my heart.  I am full of joy because you live within me. I am a joyful mother and today our home will be filled with joy.” Walk out to the kitchen to start the day and continue to confess that you are a joyful mother. Sing songs of joy to the Lord.

4. Determine to start each morning by creating a good atmosphere for your family. You, as the mother, set the atmosphere in your home. As the day continues, and the children get irritable and begin to fight with one another, instead of yelling at them, stop what you are doing. Gather them together and tell them a story, sing some songs together or read to them. It will calm the atmosphere and bring rest again to your home.

5. Make happy memories for your family. Do something special as a family at least once a week. Continually think of happy and exciting things that you can do together as a family. They do not have to cost money. The simplest things are often the most enjoyable. It is the ‘togetherness’ the children will remember.

6. Create lots of laughter and fun in your home. Let your walls ring with laughter. Laughter is a tonic. Proverbs 17:22 says, “A merry heart does good like a medicine.”

7. Stop hurrying. Slow down. Relax and everyone will be much happier.

8. Trust God. When you try to do everything in your own strength, you will lose your joy. Trust in God’s strength. You do not have to get everything done every day. Just do what is most important and realize there will be other days…When your children are little, you may not accomplish much more than just looking after them, but you are doing the most important task you could ever do. There will be years ahead to do all the projects that are on your list…Keep your heart fixed on the Lord rather than your circumstances and you will keep your joy.

I have been so blessed by Nancy’s words so many times! Above Rubies is such an encouragement, and I’ve been enjoying this magazine for over 10 years now! When I’m stuck in bed during my pregnancies, my Above Rubies magazines are what I like to re-read. 🙂

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