My First Ever Video!
Yesterday I was sitting in the van, waiting for my two younger girls to finish their gymnastics class, and I decided to make a video to share with you!
I’m just learning about video, so it’s not perfect, but it’s a start.
If you can’t see the video above, you can see it at this link.
My teenagers are laughing at me now. Has anyone else ever noticed that you sound different on video than you think you sound in real life? 🙂
You did wonderfully for a first video. I’m very nervous and self conscious about my appearance so I never dared. Hats off to you I love it and your insights.
Great Blessings!
Thank you, Zahra!
I think you did just fine. I’d like to see more videos!
I haven’t tried it yet. I’m pretty self-concious about my appearance.
Thank you, Laura! I’ve done several more since this one. I can totally relate to feeling self-conscious. I’m the same way. I don’t like my voice or my appearance, but I figured this is me, and I can’t change the way I was made, so I might as well not worry about it! 🙂 Thanks for the encouragement!
Thanks Joy. I love your first VLOG! You have an awesome voice btw. Feminine and strong. I love your blog. It brings some beauty and peace into my hectic days. I appreciate your hardwork in keeping up with blogging on top of everything else.
Oh, thank you, Helen! I’ve always hated my voice, so that’s very kind of you to say! 🙂 Thanks so much for the encouragement!
It was great to see you on video! Thank you for posting it, I know iy must have taken a lot of courage to do so.
All the best from The Netherlands
Thank you, Petra! Yes, I wasn’t sure I could make myself post it at first! Hopefully my next video will have more focus to it. 🙂
Aw, that wasn’t awkward! Glad to finally “meet” you! Thanks for all the great articles and tips!
Thank you, Cherry! I really appreciate the encouragement! 🙂
Hi Joy! I love your video! Miss you!
Thank you, Tabitha! Miss you, too! So glad we can keep in touch online!
Loved it. You did great. I’ll be watching for the next one.
Thank you, Laney! So sweet of you to encourage me as I step way out of my comfort zone! ♥
Hi Joy! Your video was great! 🙂 I don’t think it seemed awkward at all! And YES, I agree with you….I totally think I sound totally different on video than in real life! (plus, in my video I kept clearing my throat! So embarrassing!) I think your voice matches you perfectly though! So fun to hear you!
Thank you, Katy! I loved your video! Yay for us, breaking out and trying something new! 🙂
Joy , you are fantastic and so sweet !!
Have a nice Sunday ,
Thank you, Franca! I hope you also have a lovely day! ♥
I’ve loved your blog for years now and appreciate the ideas and encouragement! Whenever I visit I feel that I’m sitting with a friend chatting ☺. Thanks for sharing your video and it wasn’t awkward at all, you should do more!
Sara, thank you so much for your kind words! ♥ And thank you for being such a long-time blog friend! 🙂