One afternoon I went into my bedroom and closed the door behind me. I was going to spend the afternoon working on some of my Christmas sewing. A few minutes later, I heard a knock at the door, and it was my youngest. He said excitedly, “Mommy, are you sewing? Can I sit in your lap and watch? I love to help you sew!” How could I resist that sweet little voice? I’m not sure how much help it was…
But I loved the time spent cuddling this sweet person, and I did get all five pairs of pajama pants finished:
They’re all tucked into gift bags with a shirt to go with each one.
A few mornings ago, we woke up to find snow on the ground and our trampoline blown over by the fierce winds that brought the snow.
And, we’ve had the flu here this week. I hadn’t had the flu in years, and it has been miserable. Terrible headache, body aches, fever, sore throat, cough, and the children had vomiting to go along with all the other symptoms. Thankfully, my husband and I didn’t experience the vomiting. When I first noticed that my youngest had a fever, I started eating lots of raw garlic, which often keeps me from getting whatever is going around. But this time, it didn’t work, and I found myself stuck in bed for two days. Today I decided that I must get out of bed, despite the fact that my body still aches. I’ve been drinking many cups of herbal tea, and this one is my favorite:
Things will probably be rather quiet here for a while, as we continue to recuperate and just enjoy being together. I hope you have a lovely and blessed Christmas!
I hope you feel better soon too. My grandma got this flu and it was terrible. She still is trying to get over it. You did such a good job with the pajama pants. I love the color. May you and your family be Blessed with a wonderful Christmas! Missed seeing your sweet smile yesterday.
Thank you so much, Grace Mae! I'm so sorry your grandma got this…it's taking a while for us to get over it, too. It's one of the nastiest things we've had. I hope you have a blessed Christmas, and hopefully we'll see you this coming Sunday!
You are a wonderful seamstress Joy.
Praying for all of you as you mend. Elderberry syrup is wonderful for staving off flu and lessening symptoms.♥ I make it every year.
Thank you, Ellen! We do take Elderberry syrup, but I haven't made my own…I really should! We have some whole elderberries that I got from the Bulk Herb Store, but I just haven't turned them into syrup. I think we could have been more diligent with the elderberry syrup this year, too. I'll be sure to have everyone taking it the rest of the winter!
Such cute pajama pants and a cute helper too. I hope your family and you feel better soon.
Thank you so much, Erika!
God bless you Joy! We, too, had a terrible stomache flu last weekend! It struck 9 out of 10 of us at the SAME time! Our littlest one was picked up by a friend because NONE of us were in any condition to care for her and REALLY were praying she would be spared. {In God's mercy, she was…thank you Lord!} It has NEVER happened that we all were sick at the same time and the vomitting was violent; my poor babes! Praying for a full recovery and a hedge of protection around you all.
Blessings and prayers ~
Jarnette @ Seasons of Life
Thank you, Jarnette! Oh, your flu experience sounds miserable, too! It is so hard when the parents are sick. Our 3-year-old got this first, and then two days later the other 6 of us got it at the same time. It was really hard to keep everything going when the only one who wasn't feeling absolutely miserable was the 3-year-old! We had dishes piled up and everything kind of just focused on survival. I was thankful that I had some frozen chicken broth in the freezer, and so thankful for my servant-hearted husband who served us all despite the fact that he was feeling miserable too. Most of our children only vomited a couple of times during this illness, but one of them spent 24 hours vomiting, and another one spent a night with vomiting. It was terrible.
That is such a blessing that your littlest was able to go to a friend's house, and that she was spared from going through such a terrible illness.
Thank you so much for your prayers!
I think some of the best memories I have of my children when they were/are little is when they come to help mommy! I'm sorry your family has been unwell! I agree with you that tea is wonderful when you're sick. Praying you are all feeling better soon!
Yes, me too, Jennifer! Thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement!