Homemaking Is the Greatest Career
It is the simple fact that there is no greater task, responsibility and privilege in this world than to make a home. It may well be that when women are involved in the hundred and one wearing duties which children and a home bring with them, they may say: “If only I could be done with all this, so that I could live a truly religious life.” There is in fact nowhere where a truly religious life can better be lived than within the home.
In the last analysis there can be no greater career than that of homemaking. Many a man, who has set his mark upon the world, has been enabled to do so simply because someone at home loved him and tended him. It is infinitely more important that a mother should be at home to put her children to bed and hear them say their prayers than that she should attend all the public and Church meetings in the world.
It has been said that consecration is that which makes drudgery divine; and there is no place where consecration can be more necessarily and beautifully shown than within the four walls of the place which we call home. The world can do without its committee meetings; it cannot do without its homes; and a home is not a home when the mistress of the home is absent from it.
~William Barclay, in The Letters to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon
It’s not popular these days to promote homemaking as the greatest career.
Before becoming a mother, I had a corporate job and regularly brought home a nice paycheck. But being a homemaker has been the most rewarding experience I’ve ever had (though it has not been without difficulties, setbacks, and discouragements). In fact, I’d say that in many ways homemaking and mothering have been the most challenging tasks I’ve ever undertaken.
I used to bring homemaking books to work with me, and dream of the day when I could be at home full time. I would sit in my car on my lunch break and devour those books. My heart was truly at home, even though I wasn’t yet a mother. That experience helped me on the most difficult days in my homemaking journey. No matter how difficult or challenging things were, I never looked back longingly on my days of employment outside the home.
I have also learned that just being at home all day doesn’t make me a home-maker. I have to be actually working at my daily tasks and serving my family during the day in order to reap the harvest of a well-run, orderly home that blesses my family and others. It’s hard work! On the days when I do it well, I am constantly busy with very little extra time. I fall into bed, exhausted from the day’s work. But it’s a good kind of exhaustion that brings with it a feeling of satisfaction and thankfulness for God’s grace.
And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. ~Colossians 3:15-17
If you’ve chosen to spend your days making a home for your loved ones, be encouraged that you’re investing your life in the greatest career!
this was such an encouraging post to me today, as I realized there were areas of my life that are interfering with being a better homemaker! thank you!! I just love your blog 🙂
Thank you so much for the encouraging comment, Leanne! May you be blessed today as you serve your family!
A truly wonderful post! Thank you for the encouragement!
Thank you, Jennifer! I'm so glad you found it encouraging, and I really appreciate your comment!