The Lord is My Strength

(Wearing a yellow paper gown and gloves in my Dad’s hospital room to keep from spreading MRSA.)
After being home for a week or so, my dad had to go back to the hospital. We could tell he was getting dehydrated, and we hoped he just needed some IV fluids at our small local hospital. But that night, he was taken by ambulance to the larger hospital in the city, an hour and forty minutes away.
He has pneumonia and also a hospital-acquired MRSA infection (from his last hospital stay). He has been having non-stop complications with his heart, and they finally determined that his heart is surrounded by thick fluid, which is causing it to have to work harder and making it difficult for him to breathe. The doctor said we couldn’t wait for him to get stronger, we need to do the surgery now.
The only trouble is, he’s in such a compromised position now that the surgery is very high-risk for him. My dad is only 63. I want him to live!
While he and Mom have been at the  hospital, we’ve been going to their house twice daily again to take care of their dogs and chickens. Right now my grandma (Dad’s mom) is staying at their house with my daughter Elyse.
In the meantime, my computer is broken, our cell phone broke, the vacuum cleaner isn’t working, and the central heating just went out today (thankfully, warmer weather is coming, and in the meantime we had a kerosene heater in our garage that we’re using).
Our world has been turned upside down for a month now. The kids are mostly homeschooling themselves. Some weeks I’m gone more than I’m at home. I never imagined a life where I was constantly driving and going somewhere. But that’s my life right now.
It’s hard to focus on much of anything other than constantly wondering how my dad is doing.
Honestly, it’s a constant battle against discouragement and fear.
This passage came to mind today:
“Though the fig tree should not blossom,
nor fruit be on the vines,
the produce of the olive fail
and the fields yield no food,
the flock be cut off from the fold
and there be no herd in the stalls,
yet I will rejoice in the LORD;
I will take joy in the God of my salvation.
GOD, the Lord, is my strength;
he makes my feet like the deer’s;
he makes me tread on my high places.”
~Habakkuk 3:17-19
I’m asking for your prayers again. Would you mind saying a prayer for our family? Especially for my dad, who has now been through so much. And my mom, she is so incredibly exhausted. Please pray that my dad might make it through this surgery. He is supposed to be going into surgery (his 3rd one in a month’s time) in about an hour.



  1. Joy, thank you for sharing your heart and giving us the privilage for praying for your family. I'm only 28 but my dad is also 63 and facing serious health issues, I understand the fear but be reminded that God does not give us a Spirit of fear but of power! He does not want us to dread, but to instead, trust Him. He loves your daddy more than we can imagine and he is in our Lord's hands, and is safe there. We will definitely be praying, keep us updated. You have sisters in Christ that you've never met that care!

    1. Elise, thank you so much for praying, and thank you for the encouragement to trust in the Lord. I'm so sorry to hear your dad is also facing serious health issues. Thanks again for encouraging me! ♥

  2. " I alone cannot change the world , but I can cast a stone across the waters to create meny ripples." Mother Teresa
    I can cast my prayer for your dad and you all.
    A big hug,

  3. Oh my goodness. I will definitely be praying for your dad and your entire family. 63 is so young. My dad is the same age. The MRSA diagnosis must be so frustrating as well.

  4. I am so sorry to hear this! My dad had a long hospital stay quite a few years ago….I was homeschooling my older two and had twin toddlers, I can still recall all those emotions that were involved. Praying for your dad, you, & the entire family!!! {{{{{{Hugs}}}}}}

    1. Thanks so much for praying! That's one good thing about this experience…I will now be able to empathize better with others who have gone through similar trials. ♥

  5. Praying for you and your family!! I know you've written this before but what do people do without the Lord? I can't imagine. Those verses spoke to me several weeks ago and they have been our memory verses the last week or 2 as we home school.

  6. Oh Joy, I'm so sorry to hear about this. Yes, I wil be praying for your dad's surgery and recovery, your mom, and for you and the rest of your family during this most difficult time.

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