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Children in Need

I like to post happy things on my blog.  Things that edify, encourage, inspire, and maybe even bless others.  At least, that’s my hope.  
But life isn’t always sweet and happy.  There’s a lot of pain, sorrow, and suffering in the world.  
While I am busy making a filling meal for my family, others are going to bed hungry.  While I am snuggling under a cozy blanket with my toddler, little children are lying in an orphanage crib with not even a sheet to cover them.  No one kissed them goodnight, or even showed them the slightest bit of tenderness.  No one cares.  
I knew there were orphans in the world.  But I never knew they lived in conditions like this.  Shocking, horrific, terrible conditions.  I never knew that children were confined to cribs and drugged so that they would sleep most of their lives away.  
It hurts me to think about all the suffering these children have endured.  God has been breaking my heart with the things that break His heart.  
Thankfully, there are also stories of redemption…families who have adopted these children who seemed to have no hope…and now they are flourishing.  
“Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this:  to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.”
~James 1:27
There is so much we can do to help, even if we aren’t able to adopt.  This weekend, please keep these children in your prayers!


  1. Thank you so much for praying, Mary and Heather! Praying is so important.

    That is amazing. It makes their story that much more interesting to me since you actually know them. 🙂

  2. Joy,

    How amazing that we all are talking about the same family. They are lovely, real people who love Jesus. They have seen Him do amazing things in the whole journey….


  3. I have to admit I didn't click on the links because I have seen and learned of these things. It tears me up inside so I can't look right now. BUT…what I will do is pray into what you shared and I KNOW our Lord hears our prayers. I will lift it up to Him because I am helpless but He is able, PTL.

    Thank you for being bold and bringing even the not so easy things to our attention.

    Blessings and ((HUGS))

  4. Tanya,

    Amazing that you're both talking about the same family! I just started reading her blog, too. Seeing the pictures of her, smiling and looking happy and loved is so encouraging!

  5. Yes, we are talking about the same family!! I've not meet Susanna in person yet, but I hope to one day. I've known her online for a few years now. I'm a faithful reader of her blog as well.

    Seeing how Katia has changed through the pictures has been amazing.

  6. Wow, Tanya and Deanna! Thanks so much for commenting on this. That is so encouraging that you know families who have adopted these children. Are you both talking about the same family?

    Deanna, that is so neat that you go to church with Katie's family! I just found their blog a few days ago and started reading their story. I still have more to read! I just cried and cried when I started reading about these children, and it just encouraged me so much to know that families are rescuing them and nurturing them with love.

    We don't meet the qualifications to adopt, but my heart is so burdened for these children. They are continually in my prayers.

    Hope you both have a blessed weekend!

  7. That first family shown in the photos is a family from our church. I know them personally. You should she the difference in Katie now! Here is a link to their blog – http://www.theblessingofverity.com You will have to read the archives a bit to read the story but it is amazing and God is doing great things!


  8. I know…. 🙁 it is so sad but seeing how a friend of mine little daughter has grown and blossom since she was brought to the US last November has been amazing. She is pictured in the first link you shared.

    It makes you want to help all those poor little ones….

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