Grace for Moms

“I have to live within the reality of my own limitations. I am imperfect and no matter how hard I try, my children will never be perfect.

But when I am resting in the life I have in Christ, my children, in spite of me, still have the opportunity to turn out okay.

God is their true source of life, just as He is my source of life, and I am just a tool in His hands that He uses to communicate His life to them.

In the end, He is in charge of their souls’ destinies.  I have learned to live freely in this knowledge, balancing the tension of ideals and reality by enjoying His constant love and help.”    

~Sally Clarkson, The Mom Walk


  1. Mary,
    Wow, you've been blogging for 6 years! I know what you mean about Sally being a mentor…I've been reading her books since I was a young(er) mom (in my 20's) when I only had a baby and a toddler. She continues to inspire me. 🙂

    Thank you so much for visiting, and for your kind comment!

  2. I love Sally Clarkson's books. They were such a encouragement, comfort, and mentor to me when I had no blogging. Actually it was Sally Clarkson's first blog on Homeschoolblogger that introduced me to blogging. I got her newsletters and she shared she was starting a blog. I had never heard of blogging before that. And now look at me. I have been blogging for 6 years as of this month! Wow time flies when you are having fun. [o=

    Blessings and ((HUGS))

  3. As long as our focus is on HIM…everything else, well, I wouldn't say it doesn't matter, but it is not as important as we thought!

    Thank you for sharing Joy.


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