Knitting More Dishcloths…

Maybe it’s time to branch out to a new pattern…I just keep knitting these dishcloths! They are so easy and “mindless” that I can work on them anywhere and they still turn out just fine. Most of these were made while driving (I wasn’t the one driving!) or while watching a movie. I’m almost finished reading The Mom Walk. It’s been a very encouraging read. Full of grace for moms.
Thank you! This is one if my very favorite all time patterns. With all of us being in lock down, what a great time to start making gifts for family and friends.
Hi Lori! So glad it was helpful! And I agree, this is the perfect time to work on handmade gifts. I just started working on a new one, too!
I love the pattern but I always end up using a size 5 and do up to 65 stitches. Wondering if I’d have too much gapping if I too used a size 9.
I’m not sure. I always just make the pattern as written. I’ve used size 5 and size 9 needles (following the pattern), and both turned out well.
Thanks, Amanda! They are fun to knit. 🙂
love the colors joy!
these are my favorite things to knit.
we use them in the bath and for dishes.
Hello, Marie!
Thank you so much for letting me know that you like the pattern! I didn't create it (it seems to be a public-domain type of pattern, handed down from one knitter to another through the years), but I do love it, too.
Happy knitting! 🙂
I'm still knitting them also! I started when you wrote your first post on this topic! Your version of this basic dishcloth pattern is the best! I have tried more complicated patterns, but it is, after all, a dishcloth, why complicate things? They are meant to be well used :o) They do make wonderful gifts. Blessings, Marie
Thank you for leaving a comment, Mrs. A! And congratulations on knitting your first three rows! 🙂
I am a new reader of your blog. I am barely learning to knit. The other day I knit my first three rows! 🙂
Mrs. A
Great–enjoy! 🙂
Yes, that would be a bit tricky (driving while knitting), but my mom (who is a radical knitter) actually winds her yarn into balls while she drives (and I'm not recommending that!)! 🙂
These cloths could be either used for dishes or bodies. At this point I usually only make them for gifts. I like to give something handmade when a gift is needed, and I can do these here and there and then have a supply waiting for the next gift-giving opportunity. I especially like to give a couple with a bar of handmade soap. I'm hoping to teach my girls how to make them soon. That way we may have the luxury of using some ourselves, too! 🙂
The idea of you knitting while actually driving cracked me up. Those cloths are amazing. Do you use some for bodies and some for dishes?
Okay, I'm motivated to pull out that scrap yarn I have and keep my fingers moving 🙂
Hi Grace Mae,
Thanks for mentioning your dishcloths…I'll have to check them out! I do have a ravelry account but I don't get on there very often. I'll look at yours the next time I'm on there. 🙂
They are very useful! Thanks for stopping by!
I almost always have a dishcloth going (though I crochet mine). They're easy and you always need more of them!
Hi Miss Joy,
I love knitting dishcloths.
They are so much fun.
You should check out
It is free to join and I have some dishcloth patterns I designed on there for free.
DaisyCreations is my username.
I could email them to you instead if you want.
~Grace Mae~
I agree with you, they are very therapeutic! Blessings to you!
Thank you! I think this is a great beginner pattern. Once you get it down, the pattern just repeats itself for quite a ways and then you don't really have to concentrate on it too much. I've been making them for gifts, and it's just fun to have something handmade to give away even though they are very simple. I highly recommend and also youtube for help learning to knit, or if you get stuck! Hope your day is blessed!
Joy, your dishcloths are so lovely! You're inspiring me to give one a try. I'm *very* new to knitting, but if they really are simple…I might just be brave enough to attempt one. 🙂
Have a beautiful day!
These dish clothes are sooooooo therapeutic! I am glad you reminded me of this pattern. I have been using up my stash of craft cotton and blessing my home with new dc's, what a blessing indeed.
Blessings and ((HUGS))