February at Our House
The past few weeks have been cold and wintry. It was actually a welcome change at first, since last year we hardly had any snow at all. We rejoiced at the appearance of the fluffy white snow, and spent a great deal of time playing in it.
The first snow we had was actually like little balls of ice, and it didn’t stick together well. You couldn’t even make a snow angel in it! But we did manage to make this little snow person, and we let her wear this favorite scarf my mom made for me (made of sock yarn and so soft and cozy!).
After playing in the snow, we would come inside for some hot tea or cocoa. The children kept themselves busy by painting, drawing, reading, dressing up, playing dolls, cooking, and all kinds of other creative (and messy) pursuits.
We picked up a nasty sore throat around mid-January, and as it continued to develop and not go away, we were all puzzled about what it could be. And then I looked at my throat. My tonsils were covered with white streaks and there were red bumps in the back of my throat. Hmmm…that didn’t look good. I also noticed that my lymph nodes were extremely swollen and painful.
My daughter (who loves studying about health and medicine), suggested strep throat. Why had we never thought of it before? For some reason, it had never entered our minds. I guess because in the fifteen years of our marriage, we had never had strep throat here before. None of us.
So, I looked at everyone else’s throats, and all but two had the white-streaked tonsils and red bumps, too. By this time we had already been sick for weeks. Two of the children were pretty much well, and their throats looked fine. But the other five of us were still showing symptoms.
In the midst of all this, my husband was experiencing excruciating pain, and we couldn’t figure out what could be causing it. Finally, after much missed sleep and days full of discomfort, one night he said the pain was so bad that he was ready to go to the hospital. I sure didn’t want to go to the hospital at 1:00 in the morning, especially when we were getting sleet and ice. Oh, how I wanted to just stay in my warm bed and sleep! But I did end up driving him to the emergency room and staying there until after 3:00 AM! After x-rays, blood work, and Morphine in an IV, the doctor announced that he had a kidney stone.
(honey-butter popcorn balls)
They sent him home with a prescription for pain medication and told him to wait for it to pass. We stopped at Walmart on our way home for some needed supplies, and drove the thirty-minute drive home through the freezing rain. We didn’t get to bed until after 6 AM.
I thought all would be well now that he had seen a doctor, but it wasn’t to be. He continued to have the painful attacks, and the pain medication that was prescribed caused him to have difficulty breathing. He reached a point where he was in pain most of the time. So, he went to stay with his parents, where he would be closer to a hospital and urologist.
We were without our husband and daddy for a couple of nights and days. I was so incredibly tired from months of sickness and now here I was alone. Everything seemed gray and discouraging and dark.
My husband wasn’t even here for my birthday! He was at the emergency room again (in another city), with more prescription pain medication and more tests. I tried very hard to keep a positive attitude during the whole thing, but a lot of the time I just wanted this trial to end.
Around this time, I was sweeping the kitchen floor, asking God to help me not to despair. Begging Him to give me some hope and help me make it through this difficult time. Just then I looked down and saw a slip of paper with a Bible verse on it. It said, “Everyone that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” -Matthew 7:8
Then I found another one, and it said, “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” -Hebrews 4:16
As I continued sweeping, I found yet another one! It said, “Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.” -Psalm 37:5
A couple nights after this, I was cleaning up vomit (again!), after our three-year-old threw up in the middle of the night (not sure why), and I really felt like despairing. I was praying and asking God to help me. I looked down and saw another Bible verse, on our bedroom floor this time, and this one was, “If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.” -John 14:14
Now, before I give the impression that God was sending these little slips of paper down from the sky in response to my prayers, let me say that these were from a little Bible verse box my mom had brought over this summer, and Ezra found it and claimed it. They got scattered all over the place. But I hadn’t even noticed them until that night when I was asking God for help. His word does not return void, no matter how or where we find it. I was encouraged with the knowledge that none of this had escaped God’s notice, and that He was there, carrying me through this time.
On the day my husband came home from staying with his parents, I had to drive through rain, which turned into sleet and then snow, when I went to pick him up. When we got back home, a package had come in the mail for me from my sweet friend Sarah, and in it was this lovely cross-stitched verse and some of her beautiful handmade soap. It made me smile, and I was so encouraged by her thoughtfulness (thank you so much for thinking of me, Sarah!). Sarah and I share the same birthday, which I have always thought was very special. 🙂 Every time I look at this cross-stitch, I am reminded to rejoice always, even when it’s hard.
That same day I was so happy to receive some new Lamplighters in the mail, too! We have been building up our collection of these, slowly, over the past few years. Each one has been a blessing and an encouragement to keep the faith and live for Jesus. I have made it a goal to read as many of our Lamplighter books as possible this year. I tend to read mostly non-fiction books, so I have to challenge myself to read fiction, no matter how God-honoring it may be.
We were surprised to get more snow, this one bigger than the one before. One morning, we woke up to this beautiful sight:
We made snowmen and snow angels, fed the birds, and made snow ice cream for days! Now I think we’ve satisfied that longing for snow that we all were feeling, and we’re ready for spring once again.
So far I’ve been able to cross three books off my reading list for this year. Last week I finished Bruchko (my older daughter read it right after I did, and she finished it in a day!). I was so encouraged by missionary Bruce Olson’s commitment to spreading the gospel, no matter what the cost, and the way he continued to love and serve others despite his own loneliness and pain.
As I was reading Bruchko, I was struck by how similar Christian motherhood is to missions. We experience hardships, sorrows, pain, love, joy, and a desire to spread the gospel and nurture young Christians in their faith. It isn’t easy, but it’s so very worth it, and such a high calling!
I’m so thankful that my husband is feeling better now, and that we finally seem to be over the sickness we were dealing with for so long. Unfortunately, all this sickness has caused much disorder here. We’re farther behind than ever before, and we’re slowly working to get things back in order. I’ve been making a list of areas that need attention, and working on each area as I have time. It will probably take me quite a while to make it through everything, but there’s such a satisfying feeling in having things neat and orderly again. And even though it doesn’t stay that way for long, each time I organize an area, it makes it easier to clean and put things away the next time.
I’ve decided to try something new with my blog. I’m planning (Lord willing) to post the first week of each month (or around that time), and then take the rest of the month off. So, I’ll have a week of posting, with about three weeks of time away from this space. I’ve noticed that when I get away from the computer for longer periods of time, I’m able to really get into my homemaking so much better. I feel quieter inside, and I’m able to be more meditative while I work. Not to mention that I get more done! I’ll try it this month and then re-evaluate next month. I’m praying for wisdom and grace as a wife, mother, and homemaker.
“By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.” ~Proverbs 24:3-4
I loved this post, Joy! Thank you so much for taking the time to share your heart and all of the wonderful photos. I am glad you all got enough snow to enjoy! It looks like your children had a lot of fun out in it.
Are those Abby's paintings? She is so talented!! I really enjoyed seeing them.
It was encouraging to read how the Lord answered your prayers and specifically ministered to your heart through those scattered Bible verses. How great is His tender love and care for us! I am so glad that you all are prayerfully seeing the 'light at the end of the tunnel', and hope that sickness will be able to be put behind you.
It made me smile to see the photo with the cross-stitch and soap! I am glad that you like them and that the cross-stitch could be an encouraging reminder to you. And what a blessing to be able to get more Lamplighters! I have read Amy and Her Brothers and Little Threads before and really liked them. They are wonderful for children!
Thank you again for sharing, Joy, and I pray that your March will be one full of refreshment and rest in the Lord!
Thank you so much for this sweet comment, Sarah! I'm a little late responding to it! 🙂
Yes, those are Abby's paintings. She LOVES to paint!
We're so thankful that we've had a week or two (I've lost track of the days!) without sickness! Hoping and praying it stays that way.
And yes, I love the cross-stitch and soap you sent me–thank you again!
Psalm 63:6-7 "When I remember Thee on my bed, I meditate on Thee in the night watches, For Thou has been my help, and in the shadow of Thy wings I sing for joy."
I couldn't help but think of you and your "night watches". I pray this verse encourages you when you most need it.
Thank you so much for sharing these verses! God's word is such a comfort at all times, but especially when we're enduring difficulty or hardship. Thank you for your thoughtfulness!
I shall be praying that the illness in your home passes soon and that all will be well again! It is wonderful how the Lord orchestrates things, (even misplaced bible verses) to bring us to him.
Glad to hear you've enjoyed some of that snow you've been receiving!
Thank you for praying, Jennifer! Yes, we've enjoyed the snow so much, and now I hope we've seen the last of it for this year!! 🙂
Hi Joy. I'm sorry you all were sick for so long and about David's kidney stone. I'm glad you are feeling better now and you were able to find encouragement in the middle of your suffering. It can be hard to do that when everyone around you and your self is suffering.
Can you share your recipe for the Honey Butter Popcorn Balls? They look yummy as well as healthy. : )
I love Lamplighter books too. I don't have any but read several from friends. We recently got some of the audio books and love them. The boys will even sit down and listen to them with me. 🙂 I have a friend who has gone with them for their GUIDE program and she's leaving here again soon to do it again.
As always, I love your pictures. How fun to have so much snow. We didn't get much here. 🙂
Thanks, Tabitha! We so appreciated the support and prayers of all our friends during the difficult days we were experiencing–I don't know how we would have made it without all of the kindness and understanding we were shown!
I think the Honey Butter Popcorn Balls were entirely made up by Abigail! She just popped some popcorn, and heated some butter and honey in a small saucepan on the stove. And, here's the interesting part: to thicken the mixture, she added arrowroot powder to the honey-butter mixture! There is no way to tell how much of any ingredients she used–she made them twice, and both times they turned out a little differently, but still delicious! The second time they were the best, though. They turned out surprisingly just the same texture as the usual (unhealthy) popcorn balls. The honey-butter mixture hardened on the popcorn, and it was like a caramel-y kind of flavor. They were really good. I'll have to have her make them a few more times and see if we can nail down an actual recipe to share! 🙂
We buy a few Lamplighters here and there as part of our home education resources. They just had an excellent sale last month that we took advantage of. We've also seen some on Ebay, and I think a few of ours came from there. That's neat that your friend is doing their GUIDE program!
♥ Joy
I am so sorry to hear about all your sickness. It really can get discouraging, can't it? My husband suffered from a kidney stone last spring. It's awful to see them hurt so much.(It must be how they feel watching us labor.) We have found that a cup of coffee each day and LOTS of lemon water has been helpful. (The caffeine prevents calcium absorption.)
Glad you all are on the mend and that God's Word and tender mercies carried your through. These trials build your Mama character which will shine brightly to your children. You are a sweet Mama and they are blessed by you and your caring for them.
On another note – we also adore Lamplighter books. We started their book club to increase our library. My son wants to become a voice actor and just collaborated with some other Guild alumni to produce The Vanished Note. Mark Hamby is inspirational! Do you get his Lamplighter Moments in your e-mail? They are short, but always encourage me.
It seems that kidney stones are more common than I realized! After sharing my husband's experience, I've heard from so many friends that they or their husband had suffered from them. Thanks for sharing about the coffee and lemon water. My husband has been drinking so much lemon water during his attack, and he's continuing to drink it daily. I suppose it would benefit all of us!
How neat about your son! We love the Lamplighter Theater productions! We listen to them when we have to be in the van for a long drive. 🙂 Yes, I do get the Lamplighter Moments, and they are very encouraging. We're so thankful for their ministry!
Thanks for sharing the mothering encouragement, also! ♥
I always love looking at all of your beautiful photos of your life and home! The cross stitch from your friend is such a beautiful reminder of such a great truth. We truly do have so much to rejoice in the Lord about even in the midst of dirty dishes, sickness, and exhaustion!
Thank you so much, Amber! And, yes, so much to be thankful for! ♥
So sorry to hear about all your sickness. I experienced kidney stones for the first time last year. It truly felt like I was in the last stage of labor. We were out of town at a homeschool convention. We shall never forget that experience! I passed mine less than a week and am so grateful for that.
I will miss your beautiful posts, but I understand your reasoning. It is easy to get consumed with 'what to post next'. I enjoy blogging, but I won't push myself anymore to get something posted. If I don't have time than it will simply have to wait. 🙂
Praying that your health is all restored and you are able to enjoy those blessings the Lord has given you the way you desire to.
Oh, Jennie, I'm so sorry you had to deal with kidney stones, too! And how terrible to be away from home while you were dealing with it! I am really serious about trying to keep my husband from getting another one, and also to prevent myself from getting one!
Yes, I love blogging and sharing here, but I just don't really have time to do it regularly.
Thanks so much for your encouragement and prayers!
Wow Joy, what a month. I don't know what to say, other than I am so glad you have our Heavenly Father to lean on! I will be praying for your family as you recover from such a difficult month. Thank you for being such an encouragement to so many ladies!
Thank you so much, Angela, for your prayers and your encouragement to me!
Sorry to hear about all the sickness! It sure seems to be hanging around a lot for a number of us. We have also had our share of sickness. Glad to hear that you are all on the mend. 🙂 I love how as you were in your low moments God opened your eyes to the scattered verses of strength and hope. I got chills reading it and tears in my eyes. We serve a wonderful Savior that's always one step ahead of us bringing the answer before we are able to ask the question. Beautiful my dear! Just want you to know that I admire all that you do 🙂
Nabila Grace, what a sweet comment! Thank you! It does seem like almost everyone we know has been sicker than usual this year. But, yes, we do serve a wonderful Savior! ♥
I love all the snowmen! So I'm wondering what you did for the strep-throut? Did you use anything natural or did you end up going to the doctor? I have currently been sick for 2 weeks and trying to put off going to the doctor, the office wait and cost just does not appeal to me! Sorry about your husband, at least he could go to his parents. Just wondering if you all have insurance, it seems that when your daughter broke her arm you did not. I will be praying for your family! Your blog is so beautiful, I will miss your posts but totally understand! I just cannot function in a disorderly home, I feel cranky and grouchy, but unfortunatlely it doesn't seem to affect other members of my household!!!
Thanks, Jenn! Well, we didn't even think of strep throat until we had already been sick for a couple of weeks. By that time, a couple of the children already seemed to be well, and their throats showed no symptoms of strep (and we're not even positive that it was strep). We didn't go to the doctor, and no, we don't have insurance.
We were eating garlic, avoiding all forms of sugar, and taking all of our usual immune-stimulating herbs, but once we considered the possibility of strep, we started taking silver and goldenseal, and also doing salt water gargling with a bit of cayenne added to the water. We also took large quantities of Vitamin C and tried to rest (and we stayed home). I also used Tri-Light Herbs' Lympha Rub to massage my lymph nodes. I use that pretty much anytime I get sick. Since I'm not a healthcare professional, I can't recommend this as a treatment plan for anyone, it's just what we did (just had to add that little disclaimer. :). We were actually making plans to take two of the children to the doctor, when they started getting better. 🙂
Thank you so much for praying for us, and for your sweet comment about my blog! I hope you are able to be completely well soon!
My husband, too, had a kidney stone and we're just on the other side.
Ugh! Painful.
They couldn't figure out his pain at first and then after a quick
urinalysis and then an ultrasound, it was revealed; quite large, and 'stuck'.
He had outpatient surgery and is fully recovered now, thankfully.
It does knock you out of routine for awhile and we're getting back into the swing also. I find myself in a slump if I don't find even the littlest things to be thankful for. Being thankful changes the perspective of everything!
Oh, Jennifer, I feel for your husband! Just watching my husband go through that made me want to never get one! My husband had blood work, CT Scan (twice), and they were thinking he might need surgery, too. I'm thankful it didn't come to that. I'm so glad your husband is recovered now! Now our next challenge is to make sure he doesn't get another one. 🙂