Encouragement and Help for Homemakers

Encouragement and help for homemakers. This post will help you get your homemaking vision back!

encouragement and help for homemakers

Do you ever feel weary with your homemaking duties? Or maybe you feel like you’ve lost your vision and homemaking just isn’t as exciting as it used to be. I think every homemaker can relate to feeling like this every once in awhile.

Encouragement and Help for Homemakers

I think it helps to be reminded why we’re doing this in the first place. Homemaking is important, and we can have a huge impact through loving and serving our families.

‎What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and work flow.  ~Martin Luther

Read: Why Homemaking Matters

I remember a time when I was going through a difficult season in my homemaking and mothering journey. I was tired all the time, and it seemed like the work was never-ending. I felt a little bit disillusioned.

And then I went to visit a friend who is an amazingly creative and inspiring homemaker. She offered me some coffee, and we sat down to catch up with each other. A vanilla candle was burning in the kitchen, peaceful music was playing in the background, and everywhere you looked you could see my friend’s creative and artistic touches. It was absolutely inspiring.

encouragement and help for homemakers

I went home that day with a renewed desire to be a creative homemaker, making the most of what I have and loving my family well. To do all for the glory of God.

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. ~1 Corinthians 10:31

Read: A Biblical View of Homemaking

Somehow, whenever I visit with friends who are dedicated and committed homemakers, I often come away encouraged and inspired.

The fact that we share the same goals and desire to serve God through loving our families and nurturing a beautiful home environment, uplifts me and inspires me to keep on going and to give it my all.

Read: 7 Steps to Avoiding Burnout

Renew Your Vision

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It’s wonderful (and ideal) when we have local friends to share encouragement with. But sometimes that’s not always possible. In that case, I turn to books.

A few of my favorite homemaking books that I like to read for encouragement are:

Learn New Habits

Sometimes we get discouraged because our lives are chaotic and disorderly. If your home and routines are out of order, I recommend the following resources:

And these posts might be helpful too:

7 Habits of Highly Effective Homemakers

essential homemaking habits

The Secret to Successful Mornings

The secret to starting the day off right!

7 Things to Do Every Day to Keep Your House Clean

7 Things to Do Every Day to Keep Your House Clean

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Encouragement and Help for Homemakers

Disclosure: This post contains my affiliate links, which means I will receive a commission if you order through my links. Read my disclosure here. 


  1. Homemaking is a great value . I’m satisfied with homemaking and my family is the rock I build every day life on . I think women give much value to homemaking in the USA than here! I appreciate your post very much.

    1. You must be such a blessing to your family, Franca! Thank you so much for always leaving uplifting, encouraging comments. 🙂

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