Campfire Cherry Hobo Pies

These hobo cherry “pies,” cooked over the campfire, are so tasty and simple to make.  Just don’t think about all the bad things in the cherry pie filling, and it’ll be okay. 🙂
Or, you can get the healthier kind of canned cherries, without high fructose corn syrup and food coloring or whatever else is in it.  We’ve had that kind before, but this time we just used the good old-fashioned bright red kind, because that’s all we could get.  🙂
All you do is butter your bread slices, and put them in the cast iron pie cooker with the buttered sides facing the iron.
Then add a dollop of cherry pie filling to one piece of bread.
Put the two halves of the pie iron together, and stick it in the fire.
And wait.  Wait for the bread to get toasted and warm.  This is the part the kids love.  Sitting there by the fire holding onto the pie iron, anticipating all the delicious cherry flavor.
And if you have leftover cherry pie filling, you can always come up with your own creation…
like marshmallows and cherries roasted together.
I was inspired to make these cherry pies from The Family Camping Handbook.  I love this book, and found it to be really helpful on our recent camping trip.
Kitchen Stewardship in the Big Woods: Family Camping Handbook


  1. This post takes me back to my childhood. We made some kind of "pie" every camping trip. Pizza is easy and was popular with our family. Our most "gourmet" attempt was hot Ruben sandwiches which were phenomenal! One of our family friends knew of my great love for pie irons and decided that the thing I needed, but failed to put on my wedding registry was my own set of pie irons and cook book. They took some creative wrapping, but it was a well appreciated and thoughtful gift.


  2. We used to make these all the time with our Grandpa when we'd go camping! It's fun to try different fillings! You can also make grilled cheese this way – they are sooo good this way! <3

    1. I hope to try some different fillings the next time we go camping! This was our first experience with the pie irons, and we thought it was so fun and we can't wait to make these again. Grilled cheese would be delicious!

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