Home » Christmas » Handmade Wooden Nativity Set DIY Tutorial

Handmade Wooden Nativity Set DIY Tutorial

Our handmade wooden nativity set is my favorite. Just because it was handmade by us.
handmade wooden nativity set
It may not be the most beautiful, and the painting isn’t perfect, but it’s beautiful to me. There’s something about handmade Christmas ornaments and handmade Christmas gifts that are just so much more special to me. Making things together at Christmastime is one of our cherished family traditions.
handmade wooden nativity set
When I see it, I remember the sweet time painting the figures with my daughter. I love that we have this memory of painting these together. I also love that this nativity set, since it’s made with natural wood, is more durable and I can let the kids play with it.

Supplies Needed for This Project

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  • Wood Bowl (extras can be used for other educational activities)

You can also check out this My First Nativity Set which include the unpainted peg dolls for Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus, and a manger.

handmade wooden nativity set

How to Make a Handmade Wooden Nativity Set

We had never made anything like this before, so it was a new experience for us.
I had seen a picture of someone else’s hand-painted nativity set, and I modeled my figures after the inspiration photo.
handmade wooden nativity set
We did a few things differently, and painted a few of the details in our own way. We didn’t worry about perfection, we just did our best and had fun.
handmade wooden nativity set
Our figures didn’t turn out perfectly, but they did turn out much better than I had anticipated! It always helps to not expect perfection.
handmade wooden nativity set
We just looked at our inspiration photo of the handmade wooden nativity set and painted our wood figures accordingly. It was actually fairly simple!
handmade wooden nativity set
The baby’s eyes didn’t turn out the way I had hoped (the paintbrush I was using had a stray hair and it kind of smudged one of them!) but that’s okay. I used some wool roving (left over from another project) to line the “manger” with.
handmade wooden nativity set
The wooden balls did need to be sanded on the bottom to make a smooth surface so they would stand up without rolling off the table!
handmade wooden nativity set
My daughter painted all of the wise men. She did a great job! The one with the green robe does have a little smudge of green paint on his cheek, but that just gives him more character. 🙂
We hot-glued sparkly white felt wings to the back of the angel.
handmade wooden nativity set
This set is being kept in the school room, and this morning during our read-aloud time my youngest had such a fun time playing with them. ♥
handmade wooden nativity set
Thanks so much for stopping by!

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handmade wooden nativity set

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  1. Absolutely darling! I love how simple these are, yet beautiful. One of my best friends crafted a Nativity set with her kids, and then one of her children was killed in an accident at age 14. As you can imagine, that Nativity set has become one of her most prized possessions.

    Thanks so much for joining the Grace at Home party at Imparting Grace. I’m featuring you this week!

  2. I absolutely love this can’t wait for my grandchildren to be old enough to make a set altho I’m not wishing time away

  3. I liked your way of art and creativity. All are such a wonderful nativity set. I will definitely try to make such nativity in my home also.
    Thanks for sharing.

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